< Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance
Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance/Playing With
Basic Trope: A character happens to look like what he is like as a person.
- Straight: Bob has fire powers, has red and yellow hair, and wears red clothes.
- Exaggerated: Bob is actually on fire.
- Downplayed: Bob's hair is a slight shade of red, and he has fire powers
- Justified: Bob took that appearance to match his power to control fire.
- Inverted: Bob has fire powers and has blue hair, blue eyes, and wears blue clothes.
- Subverted: Bob actually has electricity powers
- Double Subverted: Bob can use his electricity powers to light fires.
- Parodied: Bob wears red so he doesn't forget what his power is.
- Deconstructed: Bob's Arch Enemy shoots him with a firehose since his outfit gives him away.
- Reconstructed: Bob evaporates the water.
- Zig Zagged: Bob has red and yellow hair, however demonstrates lightning powers, but he actually has control over plasma, allowing him to use fire, but he dresses in blue.
- Averted: Bob never dressed to match his power in the first place.
- Enforced: "We need to make each character recognizable, so why don't we just make them colored according to their powers?"
- Lampshaded: "Did anyone ever notice Bob wears red to compliment his fire ability?"
- Invoked: Bob develops fire powers, so he dyes his hair red and yellow and dresses in red.
- Exploited: Arch Enemy Jim sets the battle underwater so Bob can't use his power.
- Defied: Bob consciously decides not to wear red.
- Discussed: "Hey, Bob, why do you wear red?" "It matches my power."
- Conversed: "Hey, what power does Bob have?" "It's fire. Can't you tell by the red and yellow hair, or the red shirt?"
- Plotted A Good Waste: ???
- Played For Laughs: People think Bob is on fire and try to put him out.
- Played For Drama: Bob's girlfriend dumps him because she doesn't like his fire-like appearance.
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