< Asterix


The ship taking Convolvulus to Rome never made it.

Convolvulus' discord-sowing went horribly right, and in the ensuing chaos the ship was either damaged or caught in a storm, and went down with all hands, including Convolvulus.

Dubbelosix's specialty was a life-prolongation/eternal youth potion.

Unfortunately, it only works on houseflies.

The brew they drink regularly for strength in battle may have basis in truth.

  • Swedish professor Samuel Ödman suspected the Berserkergang rage of ancient nordic warriors was achieved with the help of brews created by Siberian shamans using Amanita muscaria mushrooms whose active ingredient is Muscimol.
    • These are large mushrooms with red caps and white spots on the caps, very similar to the ones which give Mario his more powerful form as well.
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