Assassin's Creed: Revelations/YMMV

  • Anticlimax Boss: Every one of them, but the most prominient is the Big Bad who comes close to being a Cutscene Boss.The closest you get to having a boss fight with him is when you chase him on a carriage and punch him while falling off a cliff.
  • Arc Fatigue: Note that this isn't an indictment of the game as a whole; Constantinople is a great setting idea, bomb-crafting is neat, and there are some really good moments...but some players and critics felt that Ezio's story was kinda played out by this point, having already completed his Hero's Journey and a post-Hero's Journey.
  • Best Level Ever: Ubisoft is in some kind of competition with Naughty Dog over chase sequences; Sequence 8, Memory 3; End Of The Road has Ezio parasailing behind a runaway carriage, dive-bombing like an attack falcon to dispatch mooks!
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The music from the E3 2011 trailer, the triumphant and sorrowful "Iron" (by Woodkid) seems almost written for this purpose. You feel what Ezio must be feeling, from finally reaching his destination, to fighting for his life and experiencing hallucinations, to being dragged to his supposed death. It sums up perfectly the finality and closure the game will bring.
    • Scheduled for Deletion is very powerful. Considering it's also used in the trailer for The Lost Archive, it may very well double as Sixteen's theme -- fitting, especially with that title. A pity it's so short.
    • Den Defense. Say what you will about the minigame, but the music is amazing.
  • Demonic Spiders: Janissaries. Ubisoft felt the need to take Papal Guards, the Demonic Spiders from the previous game and make them even stronger. Much more health than a Papal Guard, immunity to execution chains and counter-kills, very strong ranged attacks, and very difficult to hit in melee. Good luck if you ever get into open conflict with one, let alone a group of them.
    • Also, Siege Engines in Den Defense, especially the cannon types. They make quick work of your barricades (the cannon types in particular can destroy fully-upgraded barricades in a single hit) and take forever to take down. If there's a single enemy that will end a Den Defense game, this is it.
  • Ear Worm: "Iron"
  • Fake Longevity: The "Scholar" achievement. It's not uncommon to have collected every treasure, data fragment and got full synch before you have the roughly 500,000 Akçe needed to buy all the game's books.
  • Genius Bonus: There is a hypothesis that suggests that the human population was reduced to around 10k-15k around 70,000 years ago. Look up "Toba Catastrophe Theory". Sure, it wasn't caused by a solar flare, but you know - Alternate History.
  • It's Short, So It Sucks: Has the shortest main quest out of all the Assassin's Creed games. The sharp reduction in the number of faction side quests as well as the removal of Assassination Contracts doesn't help much.
  • HSQ: Some of the sound files found on the disk of the PC version are very revealing.
  • Ho Yay: It's hard to interpret the way Sulemain playfully refers to Ezio as 'my handsome minstrel' as anything but this.
  • Memetic Mutation:

"The Hookblade has two parts. The hook, and the blade."

    • From the trailer, there are many comments like this:

"Shoot me with an arrow? Fine. Destroy my legendary hidden blades and sentence me to death? Fine with that. Touch my hood, all bets are off."

  • Moral Event Horizon: Where do you begin with Abbas Sofian? [[spoiler:Having Altaïr's son Sef killed and telling him that Altaïr ordered the execution? Or framing Malik for said murder, having him imprisoned, then after he gets saved by Altaïr, has him decapitated to make the other Assassins doubt Altaïr's motives.[1]? All this because Altaïr told him his father committed suicide when they were young.
    • The Big Bad Prince Ahmet, who took Sofia hostage with her ransom being the Masyaf Keys, but presented himself as a sincere Templar who believed in the ideals of peace through unity (in the same vein as those from the first game) and described their conflict as "two men who should be friends quarreling over the keys to a library." Ezio hands over the keys and Ahmet allows him to go unimpeded to rescue a hooded "Sofia" atop a tower, only for Ezio to find a decoy (although apparently kidnapped to act as an unwitting decoy), then turn around to glimpse the real Sofia being hanged from a tree far, far away.
      • Well, to be frank, Ezio had already killed most of Ahmet's Templar Agents, including vizier Damat Ali Pasha, who was historically a great supporter of Ahmet for next sultan, and his murder of Tarik Barleti did a great, albeit unintended smear job on Ahmet's reputation. Sultans and princes from Constantinople were known to hold grudges and deal harsh punishments, and in Ahmet's case, Ezio's actions cost him the crown.
  • Most Annoying Sound: Civilian dialogue in multiplayer tends to get very... repetitive.
    • "You are getting RICH! Off half truths! And double dealings!" "You are getting RICH! Off half truths! And double dealings!" Repeat until ears bleed.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Being able to hear the Assassins talk while on Animus Island is pretty creepy. What with them talking like Desmond's not there, and being totally unaware of what he's going through really cements the coma feeling.
    • It's a little horrifying to make your way up the tower where "Sofia" is being held hostage... only to realize that it's not her, and the real Sofia is being hanged from a tree in a courtyard in the distance.
    • Also, the Templar stalkers, who can backstab you at anytime. What was Ubisoft thinking?!
      • Not to mention beating them usually involves graphically jamming there knife into there face.Its up close.
    • We finally get to see what happens when someone without sufficient First Civilization DNA tries to use an Apple of Eden. It isn't pretty. When Abbas activates the Apple, it goes berserk and starts firing off randomly; knocking Altaïr around and reducing everyone else to writhing on the ground in pain. This includes Abbas himself, who is in the process of being slowly killed by the Apple until Altaïr shuts it off.
    • "And then the world ended..."
    • Some of the counter attacks are rather painful to watch. One involves Ezio sticking his sword in an enemy's neck and twisting their head 180 degrees!
    • Suicide by way of a ballpoint pen. Slow suicide that spilled enough blood to paint the walls. Using a pen. Never going to get over how horrifically painful that must have been.
  • Player Punch: Finding Yusuf dead. Bonus points for sending Ezio into an Unstoppable Rage.
    • In The Lost Archive, finding out that Lucy is a traitor is tough enough. But Ubisoft gets some serious kudos for revealing it just before Clay's breakdown -- because you realize that he would have been fine if Lucy hadn't turned on the Assassins, because if she'd remained loyal, she would have gotten him out before the Bleeding Effect could have done any permanent damage. He'd have suffered no breakdown. No insanity. No suicide. She didn't just destroy his life, she destroyed who he was. She stood back and let Vidic break him to the point that killing himself with a ballpoint pen and painting desperate messages on the walls and floor in his own blood was a better option than living. She did that to him. To me, that simple, understated scene carried more weight than any dramatized Reveal.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: Den Defense, for being an Unexpected Gameplay Change with a fairly wonky interface and Schizophrenic Difficulty.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: We finally get to see what destroyed the First Civilization. One of the most terrifying yet beautiful visuals we've seen in the series thus far.
  • X Meets Y: Now that Desmond's in a dark coma chamber and Ezio is seeing Altair's memories we can add Source Code and Inception to the list. Creative director Alex Amancio confirmed parallels to the latter in a July 2011 interview.
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