< Asian Gal with White Guy
Asian Gal with White Guy/Playing With
This Trope: White man meets Asian girl. The two of them fall in love.
- Played straight: Bob and Kimiko hook up for no apparent reason. (Some people might demand that a reason is given, although these people wouldn't demand any reasons when two people of the same race fall in love.)
- Exaggerated: As a possible result of this or this, Bob goes to extreme lengths to seek out an Asian woman to date, to the point that Julie Chen, Ann Curry, Kelly Miyahara, and even Naoko Takeuchi, among many others, all have restraining orders against him!
- Justified:
- Level 2, 3 or 4 on the sliding scale. (On level 1, no justification is needed. On level 5 and six, the relationship can be considered unjustified.)
- Bob's genetic code inherited from his white ancestors makes him strong, and Kimiko's genetic code inherited from her Asian ancestors gives her resilience to illness. Children between the two of them would be superior, healthier beings and diversify the gene pool.
- Inverted: A gender inversion. The Asian dude goes for a white girl. Theoretically, a race inversion would be possible, but it would be redundant to this trope.
- Subverted: Bob and Kimiko hook up, but there IS an apparent reason...
- Double Subverted: ...and then it's shown later on that race is STILL a factor!
- Parodied: Kimiko jokes about the number of white guys who have hit on her.
- Deconstructed: The relationship crumbles when Kimiko accuses Bob of only loving her for her race and not as a human being. This is because on their dates, the only things Bob wanted to do with her were Japanese-related things.
- Reconstructed: However, rather than not wanting to do Japanese cultural activities, Kimiko was more wary about Bob making a big deal about her origin because she was trying to hide it after other people were racist and hated her for being Japanese. With Bob, she realizes that she found someone who loves her FOR her origin and doesn't have to try to pretend to be "all-American" to blend in.
- Zig Zagged: Bob, an Asian fetishist, sees Kimiko and goes wild initially, but then restrains himself. They get together later on...but for an unrelated reason.
- Averted:
- Bob and Kimiko never meet each other, or they break up afterward.
- Bob and Kimiko are in a reletionship because they have similar intrests and personalities, not because of their races.
- Enforced: Bob: (while in an east Asian nation) Wow, this woman sure likes me a lot. But does she REALLY like me, or does she only like me because I'm white?
- Lampshaded: From this Urban Dictionary definition: "Every time we go to the club, Dave goes straight for the asian women. I swear, that dude's got a serious case of yellow fever."
- Invoked: John, who knows both Bob and Kimiko, plays matchmaker and sets them up together.
- Defied: "No thanks, I'm not into Asian girls."
- "What, you thought that just because I'm Asian and you're White I'd be all over you? You watch too much movies, Bob."
- Discussed: See Lampshaded above.
- Conversed: "Many writers seem to have an Asian girl fetish these days."
I swear, every time Bob goes back to the main entry, he ignores Trope-Tan completely and goes straight for her Asian friends! He's got some serious yellow fever...!
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