< Archie Comics

Archie Comics/YMMV

/wiki/Archie Comicscreator
  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Believe it or not, arguments have popped up surrounding Betty- is she a Housewife / Proper Lady in waiting (pro) or a Yandere in waiting (con)?
    • This article from MightyGodKing is definitely in the Beyond-Yandere column.
    • Opinions on Veronica generally surround which part of Rich Bitch or Jerk with a Heart of Gold she fits the most.
    • Some fans think that Betty harbors a crush on Veronica, and may not even know it.
  • Author's Saving Throw: Adding in a token gay character to the series was possibly just a way to keep from looking homophobic after suing a theatre performing a play of Archie because in it Archie reveals himself as being gay.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: As much as the public like both Betty and Veronica, when Archie Comics announced that Archie would marry Veronica, there was a huge outcry; turns out, pretty much everyone in America prefers Betty over Veronica for Archie (lucky for them, the "Archie Marries Veronica" storyline was followed by an "Archie Marries Betty" storyline, and both were What If tales).
  • Foe Yay: A Harry Lucey comic had Archie dating Reggie after Veronica was unavailable.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Of course, being such a long runner, this is to be expected. An example is Dilton saying that it would be years before anyone gets to the moon.
  • Hollywood Homely: Big Ethel can be this, depending on the artist.
  • Recycled Script: Used often and unabashedly, due to the incredible number of stories already in existence and the short timeframe of an Archie Comics reader. And, of course, no one would notice because they were for kids. Anyone who's been reading for more than a decade could easily pick up a Digest collection and find only the cover story was new to them.
    • The same Jughead gag showed up in two different digests released in the same week of that month.
      • It's been worse. One digest reused a near-exact version of a joke in two comics on the same page.
    • This was (possibly) lampshaded on one of the covers. Archie mentions that the comics will now be printed on recycled paper. Either Jughead or Reggie responds, "Your jokes have been recycled for years!"
      • Both, actually. They did the same gag twice.
    • A big, current example: several of the "New Look" stories have just been taken (characters, whole sections of dialogue, etc.) from the "Archie Novels" series from the early 1990s. Moose & Midge's break-up, Ron & Betty fighting about Nick St. Claire, and Archie moving away were all topics taken.
  • Shipping: A common Fanfic concept features Jughead paired up with someone, usually Betty. Some writers themselves have commented that they'd like to see the two put together, but ultimately can't break up the ultimate Love Triangle at the heart of the stories.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Super Dickery (the website) shows a cover in which Archie motions toward the bar and says, "We serve anyone!" (in response to Mr. Weatherbee whether he serves crabs). The awkward part? He appears to be pointing at Chuck, his black friend... Come again?
  • Values Dissonance: One old strip had Archie's dad flip out over Archie asking for ten whole dollars for gas.
    • On the other hand, considering how notoriously cheap Archie's dad is, this joke might be even funnier now.
  • We're Still Relevant, Dammit!: And how! (the trope was originally YKTTW'd as Emo Jughead. Despite the fact that Jughead is usually the most unique and non-conformist of the group, he was always the one shown experimenting with new fads or subcultures of fashion.
    • Sometimes digests include old stories reprinted with modern cultural references awkwardly inserted.

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