Arcana Magi Zero

"I want to try every spell I have and learn as many spells as I can so I can play magic hockey and even magic dodge ball. Just think how awesome that would be to play magic dodge ball."

Arcana Magi Zero is a Short Story Trilogy Web Original, and the first series of H-M Brown's Arcana Magi Universe.

It follows the origins of Alysia Perez and her adopted sister Megumi Miyazaki, on how they got their magical items to become Guardians of the Gate to the Shrine of Four Mythic Elements, and then pay a visit to an old mage to learn more about themselves in relation to their powers and their destiny.

Arcana Magi Zero is available via this link.

"Here there be spoilers!"

Tropes used in Arcana Magi Zero include:
  • And I Must Scream -- Alysia was aware that she had turned to stone and suffered from trauma as a result.
  • Calling Your Attacks
  • Cool Old Lady -- Madam Karin Mayweather, the girl's thinks she's cool at the end.
  • Magic A Is Magic A -- Different types of magical groups have different ways of drawing Mana and casting spells. For instance, Alysia Perez and Megumi Miyazaki are Circular Magi, so all their magical powers come from Magic Circles.
  • Magical Girl
  • Plucky Girl. Genki Girl. -- In "v.1 - Alysia Perez, the Awakening", Alysia starts off as a Plucky Girl. She went through many trials and errors learning her new powers while trying to find a way to undo the enchantment. Then she fought back. In "v.3 - It's So Wonderful, It's So Beautiful", Alysia becomes a Genki Girl and after her visit with Madam Karin Mayweather, the above quote says it all.
  • Power Gives You Wings
  • Significant Birth Date -- Alysia Perez and Megumi Miyazaki were both born on February 29th, 2000, which made Megumi wonder if she and Alysia shared a common greater destiny as Guardians of the Gate to the Shrine of Four Mythic Elements.
  • Taken for Granite -- Everyone and everything in the museum turned to stone.
  • The Four Gods -- They are known as The Four Mythic Elements.
  • Theme Naming -- The girl's magical items are named Saga and Fable.
  • Transformation Sequence -- When Alysia Perez calls for Saga and Megumi Miyazaki calls for Fable, their magic circles would go through their bodies forming their magical outfits and armor.
  • Transformation Trinket -- Saga is a bracelet with four marbles attached that turns into a staff and Fable is pendant, also with four marbles attached, that turns into a magical artbook. Both trinkets transforms Alysia Perez and Megumi Miyazaki into their magical outfits and armor.
  • Winged Humanoid -- Alysia Perez and Megumi Miyazaki sprout wings after they transform. Megumi Miyazaki fought three Winged Humanoids when she returned home.
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