< Ar Tonelico Qoga
Ar Tonelico Qoga/YMMV
- Broken Base: Some fans complain that this game's action-RPG battle system is far inferior to those used in the previous two. Its a reasonable complaint, since it is less advanced than those of other games like Kingdom Hearts 2. The battle system is rather bare-bones as well, barring the reyvateil mechanic...really, there are a heck of a lot of ways they could've made the battle system better.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Saki's picture book fairy tale, it tells about the story of the brave warrior in his quest to defeat the evil demon lord. It's so cliche... until you see the ending.
Saki: And!......The brave warrior and the demon lord fell in love with each other and lived happily ever after!
Aoto: Hey! What the--!
- Referenced constantly, with Aoto asking her of story about the "Warrior and the Gay Overlord."
Saki: The overlord is not gay! That's offensive to gay people!"
- Crowning Music of Awesome: A lot of, but EXEC_FLIP_ARPHAGE/. get a bonus point for already being a fan-favorite thanks to the trailers.
- Dude, Not Funny: Or awesome, but does Gust really expect us to think that turning people into a cake is funny? I mean it's turning freaking people into cakes! A living being! How can we laugh at that?
- Because that's precisely the idea why they put that in the game.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: East or West, every Ar Tonelico 3 player's complaint for this game is pretty much "Why won't Akane join us?!" It's a reasonable complaint, since its not like they couldn't have designed another character to take Akane's place as Head Commander of Clustania so Akane can serve as the fourth vanguard.
- Not so much when factoring in that it'd have costed them additional resources to make the FMV for her special attack, making the purged model, making additional party topics, and drawing up the artwork for new weapons and armors for her. The same applies for any other character that could have joined.
- Then, of course, there's Cocona, who was pretty much guaranteed a role in this game due to her dark horse status in AT 2.
- The game is not so big on gameplay (you can tell they cut major corners by making the battle system so lackluster, making the game suffer a terrible case of Fake Longevity). Spending more resources for such a relatively small aspect shouldn't have been too much of a problem. Of course, I don't mean to sound offensive; I'm a fan of the series. But you can't deny that a game's satisfaction to the player is very important, and if they felt so inclined to cut corners on the battle system, they could've at least added to where the appeal mostly is; the flash and art. This discussion is taking too much space here...if you want to discuss this further, feel free to throw me a PM.
- Informed Wrongness: Apparently, Shurelia has done something that makes Tyria hates her, but they never shows it and Shurelia is just mentioned in 2 lines in this game, Sequel Hook perhaps?
- More like a way of trolling. Tyria just remembers Shurelia fondly, while Shurelia herself hates her due to a certain incident that ended up in her getting scolded by Eleno due to losing his credit card/card key due to Tyria's mischief.
- Magnificent Bastard: Akane, she purposely let Archia hack Clustenia's database to lead them to the wrong place; later she takes this chance to catch our heroes and the said Archia's second in command, and proceeds to invade Archia while they're unaware. She's a great example of an intelligent antagonist; Ensemble Darkhorse indeed!
- Memetic Mutation: Buri Hamachi
- Netorare: Interpret the Cocona end as you like. Or dislike.
- Nightmare Fuel: XaaaCi.
- Or Tear Jerker, if you read the last few lyric lines and what the song is supposed to represent: Gaia's Vengeance at its finest. Few things are so tear-inducing as getting told by the Planet itself how much damage you have done to it, and if you still remember the days in which she it gave you so much.
- Soma's costume.
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Saki. My god Saki. This troper isn't sure which he finds more unintentionally horrifying: the fact that Saki is essentially a parasite who usurped Sakia's body or the fact that no one in the cast, not even Saki herself or Aoto, shows more than a token bit of concern about it. Maybe no one cares because Saki is so "Cute."
- Not to mention she turns fellow human beings into food, food she expresses interest in eating. And creates magic that's a suicide bomb superhero. And if anyone was on the battleships when she used the EMP weapon in Celia Gate, she just murdered hundreds if not thousands. All with a smile.
- If you can call someone a "parasite" when she was literally forced into Sakia's body, and anyway, Sakia prefers having her around, as she is actually afraid of the real world, and prefers to come out only whenever Saki needs her. As for the DFP, remember that was Katene who told her to use it, and it was the only way they had to release Ciela Gate from the Clustanians.
- Ridiculously Cute AI: They need to make a Teppo plushie. The Japanese voice just adds to the effect.
- Shout-Out: Aoto's Ultra Supermove looks very similar to the Giga Drill Break from Gurren Lagann.
- Tastes Like Diabetes: Sasha, at least in Japanese, pretty much bleeds cute.
- Tear Jerker: EXEC_FLIP_FUSIONSPHERE. Go on, I dare you to read the translated lyrics and not cry.
- Woobie: Aoto, at least in Tyria's True ending. The girl that he loves is going to die within a year and there is nothing that he can do about it just so the world will be safe.
- At least until the light novels and her Drama CD came around, which shows that Tyria was indeed saved, although that costed the very existence of the Third Tower and almost all of the Second Tower's Rim.
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