< Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Aqua Teen Hunger Force/YMMV

Clerk: Look, uh. We don't cash checks here.
Master Shake: And we don't respond to threats! I'll say it one more time in that little language I like to call English. Or maybe I should say it in Mexican-o? Get back there-o and cash-o the check-o, amigo. Andale, Andale.
Ignignokt: He's not responding, cup. Lay into him more.
Err: (outside with the giant radioactive check) Yeah, lay into him some more!
Ignignokt: I've got this, Err.
Clerk: That thing there is your check?
Master Shake: Yeah, that's the check.
Clerk: Well, we don't cash 'em.
Master Shake: Oh, you've never seen a check before? Oh, me so sorry. Maybe you're in the wrong business. And maybe immigration would like to know about this.
Clerk: Good.. cause I'm American.
Master Shake: Well I'm not! But when I become one, maybe then I'll legally buy a weapon and we won't have to vote you out of office. Will we, scumbag?!

    • "We are not establishing a democracy in this house! This is a dictatorship! I rule with an iron dick!"
    • "Yeah, I'm in the business. The business of kickin' your ass. And lemme tell ya, business is boomin'."
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Subverted constantly almost every episode.
    • There's something I need to say, ya know. Ever since my son was...never conceived because I never had consensual sex without money involved, I always sorta looked at you as...well, kind've a thing that I could, ya know, live next to in accordance with state law.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Meatwad's solo in the Movie. Doubles as a Non Sequitur Scene but damn is it awesome.
    • Also, the song "Cut Your Tongue Out With A Linoleum Knife," also in the movie, performed by none other than Mastodon.
      • "I'll bite your torso and give you a disease!!"
    • "Meatwad get da money, see..."
    • Can't forget Spirit Journey Formation Anniversary - a prog-metal "alternative" to "Happy Birthday To You," performed by Zakk Wylde and a Geddy Lee sound-alike.
    • The ending theme to Patrol Squad definitely qualifies. Listen to that badass guitar!
  • Ear Worm
    • "I Like Your Booty (But I'm Not Gay)," from the movie.
    • An in-universe example could be MC Pee Pants' "I Need Candy". Even Carl wound up liking it. This was, of course, the plan.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: The Boston Bomb Scare in 2007: Laugh out loud funny; in 2012: makes you want to pull your hair out with a blood curdling scream.
  • Ho Yay: "Why don't you help me SUCK IT? (beat) ...Wait a minute, that backfired."
  • Jerkass Woobie: Sure, Carl's rude, obnoxious, and hygienically-challenged, but the sheer amount of shit his neighbors have put him through kinda makes one feel sorry for him.
  • Memetic Molester: Handbanana.
    • Tonight... YOU...
  • Moral Event Horizon - Master Shake putting Meatwad's kittens in the microwave.
    • "Do the math! You had one, now you have none!"
      • It's worse than that. The first kitten was Meatwad's. The second one was Shake's, and he forgot that Mr. Sparkles wasn't the meat's when he put him in.
    • Also Carl when he forced his successful alternate version to become more like him (and alienating his family and dangerously becoming unhealthy) until he committed suicide.
    • Then there's the time Frylock murders the boyfriend of the woman he's stalking (in front of her) and uses his corpse to impersonate him and go out with her.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Wong Burger Employees might qualify.
    • Santa Claus getting his skin burned off, not dying, and getting his skin replaced by soccer balls.
    • Dr. Wong Burger in "The Creature from the Plaque Lagoon".
  • Seasonal Rot - Episodes from season 4 and beyond for the most part haven't been well-received by fans. Aqua Unit Patrol Squad 1, however, seems to be taking a step in the right direction.
  • Ugly Cute: Meatwad.
  • The Woobie: Meatwad and Frylock (most of the time)
  1. At least, that's what they said. Almost as if to make a big FU to the fans who took it seriously, just before the season premiered, Word of God said that the first episode would be the last time they'd appear ever. So far, they've been making good on that statement.
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