Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney/Funny
Take moments covering more than just this game over to the main Ace Attorney page, please.
- Kristoph performing Chunky Updraft with dishware and a lobster.
- This troper was honestly disappointed that the lobster didn't return in the last case just because of how funny it was the first time.
- Apollo Justice case 1:
Apollo: [cue Theme Music Power-Up] O! B! J! E! C! T! I! O! N!
Judge: "No need to shout, Mr. Justice! I can hear you just fine!"
Apollo: [theme music dies] "Ah hah hah..."
Kristoph: "Excess yelling can damage the judge's ears...and our case."
Apollo: (B-But what about my Chords of Steel?)
- Everything pertaining to panties in Apollo Justice's second case. Especially the judge's reactions whenever a pair is pulled out.
Judge: "What!? More panties!?"
Klavier "How many panties are you carrying in your pocket, Herr Forehead?"
- Especially when you use it as your final, decisive piece of evidence!
- Try looking back at the trash during the second investigation for this snippet of dialogue:
Trucy: I can still remember that moment... You brandished those bloomers on high, and shouted... "Objection!"
Apollo: ...Here's what I want you to do, Trucy. Take that memory, gently lock it away deep in your heart, and never speak of it.
- When you present Trucy's panties to Phoenix on the second day, he'll congratulate you on finding them.
Phoenix: But as a father, I have to wonder why you're still carrying around Trucy's panties in your pocket.
Apollo: (Ack!)
- "Tell him I said 'Hi'... Oh, and 'Screw you'. "
- In "Turnabout Trump", after Olga testifies about the card game, the judge becomes surprised at the possibility of gambling in the Borscht Bowl Club. Olga's response?
No money. Just game. Must be hard for capitalist to understand.
- Daryan Crescend's Villainous Breakdown, in which he flails his Anime Hair like mad while supplicating for Machi not to rat him out.
I'll buy you a house made of cookies! I'll buy you a house made of pianos!
- There's this little beauty from case 4-2:
Apollo: I'm a lawyer. I live for needless procedures.
- And another, if you examine the mural on the Kitaki's wall:
Apollo: There's a dragon painted here. It's got a fierce look on its face, as if to say, "abandon all hope, all ye who enter here." Don't worry, Mr. Dragon. Hope and I haven't been on speaking terms for a while now.
- "'Logical'? I do not think this word means what you think it means, Herr Forehead!"
- When you get to Klavier's office, try examining his display of guitars both when he's there and after he leaves. It's too good to describe in words.
- Another example at Klavier's office: when you examine the massage chair, Klavier begins to explain what it is, and Trucy cuts across him. He then falls silent and when Trucy asks him what's wrong, he says he just realized that it's useless to try talking about it.
- The Rockers Smash Guitars conversation is hilarious partly because Klavier says he treats his guitars like lovers. He's possibly just joking, but it's still funny.
- During the second day in court for Case 4-2, when asked to present evidence that connects the first witness to a clinic in question, presenting the wrong evidence causes Klavier to take the honor of giving you a penalty...with a guitar solo.
- Apollo's constant exasperation with Phoenix and Trucy is always worth a laugh, too:
Phoenix: Consider it a birthday present, Trucy.
Trucy: Thanks! It's great! But... ...today isn't my birthday.
Phoenix: ...Hmm. Good point. ...What day is it today, Apollo?
Apollo: Huh? Today? Um... I think it's "Recycle Your Plastics" day...
Phoenix: Then, it's a Recycle-Your-Plastics present.
Trucy: Yippee! So it's plastic!
Apollo: (I've given up trying to understand them. It's much easier that way.)
- In Lamiroir's dressing room, Apollo looks at a police recruitment poster. Trucy suggests that it's designed to make the reader think that "Police" is the name of a band. Apollo replies. "That's just silly. Who would name a band "The Police"?
Trucy: (commenting on the room) It'd be cooler if they turned that red light on.
Apollo: ...They don't have to turn on the red light.
- After she gets better from being poisoned, Vera Misham does a few sketches. The first one is a cute picture of Trucy. The second one... is just Apollo's Idiot Hair.
Trucy: She really captured your essence, Apollo!
- In Turnabout Serenade when you examine the headset on the floor of the corridor, finally it is added to the Court Record.
Apollo: Headset attached to Trucy
Trucy: 'Attached'!? I'm not some kind of robot, Apollo!
- Apollo and Ema's Snackoo exchange in the middle of the courtroom:
Klavier: "And you're sure the shots came from Lamiroir's room?"
Apollo: Yes, absolutely.
Ema: Hey, I'm the one being cross examined here! Here, this will keep you quiet!
- ka-tonk*
Apollo: *grins sheepishly* Ah, thanks. So...MUNCH...how about it...MUNCH...Ema?
Ema: We were right...MUNCH...there. Hard to be mistaken about that...MUNCH.
Judge: Please, either talk, or eat. Not both at the same time!
- "The witness will refrain from pausing suspiciously!"
- Examining the desk with the flowers and the picture frame in the front-left corner of Kristoph's jail cell yields a pretty amusing conversation. Phoenix thinks that Kristoph is talking about the flowers being important to him, until Kristoph reveals that he means the dog in the picture.
- Anyone else giggle at Klavier's sulking during the third case? He's introduced as this calm-and-cool prosecutor, only to see him getting pissy about his bad day and the performance being off despite only him noticing. Amusing and adorable.
- From Case 2. Presenting Trucy with her own panties after finding them leads too this conversation:
Trucy: The are the highlight of the show! People come from far and wide just too see my panties!
Apollo: You...might not what too advertise it like that...
Trucy: ...?
- "OBJECTION! Th... That's just dumb!!"