< Antichrist
YMMV Tropes in the Film Antichrist:
- Parental Neglect: She accuses He of this. She is crazy. But She's possibly right.
- Broken Base: Even those who liked Dogville are divided about Antichrist.
- Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch: This article by the Daily Mail calling for the film to be banned is a classic example.
- Critical Backlash: Because your mileage may vary.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: "Chaos reigns."
- Fan Disservice
- Gorn: A bit over-emphasized by the critics, there are actually only two short gore scenes, toward the end of the movie. That said, these two scenes are really, really, really horrible.
- Holy Shit Quotient: A rare Horror example, and starting right with the opening credits!
- Jerkass Woobie: He and She.
- Memetic Mutation: "Chaos reigns" has become a mild example
- Narm: the weird moment in which a fox says "Chaos reigns", while creepy to some, may be hilarious for others
- Nightmare Fuel: "Chaos reigns."
- True Art Is Incomprehensible
- Unfortunate Implications: Some critics have said it is sexist. Which is odd, since the explicit message of the film is that religious values themselves are sexist.
- Watch It for the Meme: If it weren't for that clip of the talking fox, many people wouldn't even know this movie existed. If you need proof, count how many times it's mentioned on this page alone.
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