A furry webcomic drawn by Nixie.
As a comedic Space Opera, Anthronauts focuses on the misadventures of captain Mandy Cheng and her dysfunctional spaceshipmates. When pilot Perrin Rexley consumes all the food and water on the ship, the crew embarks on the harder-than-one-would-think quest to pick up groceries and not get molested by tentacle monsters. Drama, hilarity and cannibalistic urges ensue.
The comic can be found on The Katbox [dead link] , which hosts this comic along with Las Lindas, The Eye of Ramalach, Caribbean Blue, and Draconia Chronicles. Updates every Friday. Check it out.
Tropes used in Anthronauts include:
- Aliens Steal Cattle: The 2010 Halloween Special featured cows from the other Katbox comics being abducted by our alien protagonists.
- Artificial Gravity: Every ship we've seen so far.
- Boarding Party: Vom Korat and his cronies board the S.S. Bullet via the airlock.
- Brain Bleach is lampshaded and also refferenced as an Applied Phlebotinum here
- Bridge Bunnies: Captain Bob's nameless officers.
- Captain Crash: Perrin Rexley's piloting skills leave much to be desired. It's not completely his fault; the ship lacks landing gear.
- Captain Space, Defender of Earth!: Captain Bob.
- Carnivore Confusion: Mr. Rexley contemplates how to cook Sir Boris.
- Cerebus Syndrome: It started off as a wacky Slice of Life comic In Space. Now, though? Mary's betrayed the crew and turned into a monster, Boris is dead (at Mary's hands), Rexley is dying, Pelzar Tigges (the cast's homeworld) has apparently been marked for destruction by an unknown entity, and Cheng is clearly slowly going insane from the mounting tension.
- Expressive Ears: Sir Boris and Mr. Rexley's ears droop when they're sad and perk up when they're cheery.
- Face Heel Turn: Mary. To be fair, she's no more happy about it than we are.
- Flashback Effects: Rexley's flashback nightmare is sephia-toned.
- Fourth Wall Mail Slot: There's a section on the forum specifically for the characters answer fan queries. Of course, the characters don't know everything and some are inclined to lie.
- Green-Skinned Space Babe: Sir Boris warns Mr. Rexley of their dangers.
- Insectoid Aliens: The friendly folks of Xenophobix 4.
- Interspecies Romance: Rexley and Meilin (fox/panda), and Calimary ( shapeshifting squid alien) has a crush on him too.
- "It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It": Referenced in this strip.
- Mad Scientist: Sir Boris tries to hide it, but it's true. So true.
- My Instincts Are Showing: Sir Boris, being a chinchilla, bathes in dust.
- Naughty Tentacles: "Calimary used Tentacle Rape."
- Non-Mammal Mammaries: Played perfectly straight.
- No Seat Belts: Evident when the ship "lands".
- Only You Can Repopulate My Race: Mary's plans for Rexley
- Pimped-Out Dress: Anything Cheng wears is bound to be frilly.
- Red Shirt: Mr. Rexley is aware of this trope but refuses to die or switch shirt colors.
- Schizo-Tech: Pelzarians have space travel but use telegraphs for communication.
- Shiny-Looking Spaceships: Every ship we've seen so far.
- Space Pirates: Vom Korat and his crew, which Rexley was forced to join.
- Tear Jerker: Mr. Rexley's wife is killed before his eyes.
- Tentacle Rope: Calimary just wants to give you a hug! What? What's so naughty about that?
- Unsound Effect: Ker-squid?
- We Come in Peace, Shoot to Kill: Cheng's friendly greeting to the Xenophobes didn't have the desired result.
- Writing by the Seat of Your Pants
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