< Animal Wrongs Group
Animal Wrongs Group/Playing With
Basic Trope: Animal Rights group does not care how many humans they hurt/insult so long as the animals are OK
- Straight: Animal Rights Group BAABY (Because Animals Are Better then You) Threaten to blow up animal vivisection laboratories, protest at zoos, circuses and fast food restaurants and generally seem to care more about animals then people
- Exaggerated: BAABY plans to kill off all humans---including themselves--- so animals can live in harmony.
- Up to Eleven: BAABY members actually transform themselves into animals/werewolves/forest elves/whatever because they hate anything related to the meat-eating, animal-torturing humans so much.
- Downplayed: Our hero accidentally steps on a rabbit (and luckily, doesn't kill it), and An Animal Rights Activist gives him a firm scolding
- Inverted: Cruella to Animals.
- Justified: Unfortunately truth in television, some Animal Rights Activists really are this extreme.
- Subverted: Our Hero runs into some animal rights activists, at first he expects them to be nut jobs, but they actually turn out to be pretty nice people.
- Double Subverted:
- But then the hero starts eating a salami sandwich, then they go crazy.
- They were just pretending to be nice.
- Zig-zagged: Some animal rights activists are quite nice, but some... not so much.
- Parodied: The Agents of BAABY seem a little too fond of animals, The Founder of the group was seen flirting with an polar bear, and one woman member says she wants to marry her pet turtle.
- Averted:
- There are animal right activists, but none of them go to extreme lengths.
- Or, there are no animal rights activists at all, not even mentioned.
- Enforced: The director does not like the extreme animal rights activists and thinks they are crazy.
- Defied: The activists try their best not to be extreme on protecting animals, and try to talk nicely to people who thinks otherwise.
- Lampshaded: "If you love animals so much why don't you marry one?!"
- Played for Laughs: The members of BAABY are an animal obsessed cult, who worships a cow and threatening to bomb all Burger Fools.
- Played for Drama: Animal Rights activists storm a laboratory, liberating all the animals within, one Member comes to a cage with some sickly monkeys inside, a Scientist warns to Activist that those monkeys contain a genetically engineered virus that could doom the human race to extinction, the Activist merely smirks and says "Perfect!"
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