< Angels in America

Angels in America/Characters

This character sheet is for Angels in America.

In order of appearance:

Main Characters

Roy Cohn

A successful New York lawyer and unofficial power broker, based on the real man of the same name. Like the real Cohn, Roy was Joseph McCarthy's right-hand man during the Red Scare, and a paragon of corrupt conservatism. At the end of act one, it is revealed that due to on-the-sly sexual encounters with numerous men (his own rampant homophobia aside), Roy has contracted HIV. Later on in the play, as the disease takes hold, Roy is haunted by the ghost of Ethel Rosenberg, a Soviet spy who received the death sentence thanks to Roy's determination, and illegal maneuvers.

Ron Liebman originated the role of Roy et al on Broadway. Al Pacino played the role in the HBO Miniseries. Currently being played Off-Broadway by Frank Wood.

Joseph Porter Pitt

Chief clerk for Justice Theodore Wilson of the Federal Court of Appeals, Second Circuit. He is a devout Mormon, who moved out to New York City with his wife Harper several years back. Roy has taken upon himself to be a sort of mentor to Joe. An encounter with a crying Louis in the men's room leads him to consciously realize that he is homosexual.

David Marshall Grant originated the role of Joe et al on Broadway. Patrick Wilson played the role in the HBO Miniseries. Currently being played Off-Broadway by Bill Heck.

Harper Amaty Pitt

Joe's wife, an agoraphobic with a mild Valium addiction, which results in her random delusions and imaginary friends. She is very distant from her husband, and leaves him once she realizes he's gay.

Marcia Gay Harden originated the role of Harper et al on Broadway. Mary-Louise Parker played the role in the HBO Miniseries. Currently being played Off-Broadway by Zoe Kazan.

Louis Ironson

A word processor working for the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. He is very politically-minded, and very guilt-ridden. When his lover Prior is revealed to have HIV, Louis is unable to cope and leaves him.

Joe Mantello originated the role of Louis et al on Broadway. Ben Shenkman played the role in the HBO Miniseries. Currently being played Off-Broadway by Zachary Quinto.

Prior Walter

Louis's boyfriend of four years. Occasionally works as a club designer or caterer, otherwise lives very modesty but with great style off a small trust fund. The most recent member of his family to bear the name "Prior Walter", a name which goes back centuries, as long as the family line itself. As the play opens, he discovers he is HIV-positive, and has developed a lesion on his chest. When his condition worsens, he is visited by The Angel.

Stephen Spinella originated the role of Prior et al on Broadway. Justin Kirk played the role in the HBO Miniseries. Currently being played Off-Broadway by Christian Borle.

Hannah Porter Pitt

Joe's mother, currently residing in Salt Lake City, living off her deceased husband's army pension. She comes to New York City after Joe calls her in the middle of the night to tell her he's gay.

Kathleen Chalfant originated the role Hannah et al on Broadway. Meryl Streep played the role in the HBO Miniseries. Currently being played Off-Broadway by Robin Bartlett.


A former drag queen and former lover of Prior's. A registered nurse. Belize's name was originally Norman Arriaga; Belize is a drag name that stuck. When Roy Cohn is admitted to the hospital at the beginning of Perestroika, Belize becomes his nurse.

Jeffrey Wright originated the role of Belize et al on Broadway, and reprised the role in the HBO Miniseries. Currently being played Off-Broadway by Billy Porter.

The Angel of America

Four divine emanations, Fluor, Phosphor, Lumen, and Candle; manifest in One; the Continental Principality of America. She has magnificent steel-grey wings. Well, that's how Kushner describes her anyway. Laconic version: she's an angel who appears to Prior in a vision dream thing and tells him that he is the Prophet, and that he must tell humankind to stop progressing as a species so that God will come back to Heaven. It's a Long Story. The Angel is also The Voice until the end of the first part Millenium Approaches, and fills the role of announcer throughout the play.

Ellen McLaughlin originated the role of The Angel et al on Broadway. Emma Thompson played the role in the HBO Miniseries. Currently being played Off-Broadway by Robin Weigert.

Secondary Characters

Rabbi Isidor Chemelwitz

An orthodox Jewish rabbi, but a very unorthodox one as well. The play opens with him performing the funeral service for Louis's grandmother Sarah Ironson, during which he goes off on a semi-related tangent about the turn-of-the-century Jewish immigrants and their struggle. Played by the actor playing Hannah.

Mr. Lies

Harper's imaginary friend, a travel agent, who in style of dress and speech suggests a jazz musician; he always wear a large lapel badge emblazoned "IOTA" (International Order of Travel Agents). Played by the actor playing Belize.

The man in the park

A leather-clad gay man in Central Park who Louis has awkward sex with. Played by the actor playing Prior.


Roy's doctor, who informs him that he is HIV-positive. Played by the actor playing Hannah in the play, and by James Cromwell in the miniseries.


A nurse who attends to Prior. Played by the actor playing The Angel.

Martin Heller

A Reagan Administration Justice Department flackman and toady to Roy. Played by the actor playing Harper.

Sister Ella Chapter

A Salt Lake City real-estate saleswoman, and friend to Hannah. Played by the actor playing The Angel.

Prior Walter's first ancestor

The ghost of a dead Prior Walter from the 13th century. He is a blunt, gloomy medieval farmer with a guttural Yorkshire accent. He visits Prior to herald The Angel's arrival. Played by the actor playing Joe.

Prior Walter's second ancestor

The ghost of a dead Prior Walter from the 17th century. He is a Londoner, sophisticated, with a High British accent. He visits Prior to herald the Angel's arrival. Played by the actor playing Roy.

The woman in the South Bronx

A crazed homeless woman who Hannah foolishly tries to ask about how to get to the Mormon Visitor's Center. Played by the actor playing The Angel.

Ethel Rosenberg

A middle-aged Jewish woman from New York City who, along with her husband Julius, was charged with—and found guilty of—passing information about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. Roy Cohn fought with all his connections to ensure that they did not get life in prison, but the death penalty. Based on the Real Life woman of the same name and same story. She appears to haunt Roy once his condition worsens.

Aleksii Antedilluvianovich Prelapsarianov

The World's Oldest Living Bolshevik, whose speech in the Kremlin opens part two Perestroika. Apart from his speech being thematically relevant to the overall piece, his scene is pretty much a mild Non Sequitur Scene. He is never mentioned again, and his scene has no relevance to the plot. Played by the actor playing Hannah.

The Mormon Family

A "family" of mannequins in the Diorama Room of the Mormon's Visitor Center where Hannah volunteers. They are:
Mormon Father, who looks just like Joe, and (in Harper's delusions) turns out to be him.
Caleb, a son, voiced from offstage by the actor playing Belize.
Orr, another son, voice from offstage by the actor playing The Angel.
Mormon Mother, who comes to life and talks to Harper. Played by the actor playing The Angel.

The Continental Principalities

The Council of Angels running Heaven since God's desertion. Apart from The Angel of America, who visits Prior, they are the Angels: Europa (played by the actor playing Joe), Africanii (played by the actor playing Harper), Oceania (played by the actor playing Belize), Asiatica (played by the actor playing Hannah), Australia (played by the actor playing Louis), and Antarctica (played by the actor playing Roy). They share the American angel's Verbal Tics.

Sarah Ironson

Louis' deceased grandmother whose funeral opens the show. Her ghost appears in one of the final scenes of the show—one often cut from productions and not in the Miniseries—alongside the Rabbi, and speaks only in Yiddish. Played by the actor playing Louis.

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