Angels 2200

Angels 2200 is a Web Comic done by Peter Haynes and Nathaniel Savio. The webcomic combines Space Opera, Fundamentally Female Cast, Girls Love, and War Is Hell.
Humanity on Earth and its colonies has undergone a plague that has killed off the vast, vast majority of men thus humanity's armed forces are now entirely women. Concurrently, the colonies have been rebelling against Earth. The Terran Navy has sent one of their more minor resources--the aptly named and obsolescent carrier Outcast--to deal with an uprising on the Risae asteroid belt.
But even aboard the Outcast the Icebreaker flight squad stands out as a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits, both poorly trained and untested. Unfortunately, it looks like Icebreaker squad will be the ones called upon to be the heroes. They include:
- Sasha "Hammer" Carelli (Hometown: New York City): Squad Commander. Daughter of a decorated Terran Navy pilot.
- Franchesca "Kid" Martines (Mariot, France): The Ingenue, probably the ship's most naturally-gifted pilot. Sensitive and idealistic to a fault.
- Juanita "Quetzalcoatl (Quetz)" Valdez, (Mexico City): Hammer's wingman. Squad' s best pilot. Not Good with People
- Mary "Whiskey" O'Riley (Limerick, Ireland): Walking Irish stereotype. (Which she intentionally plays up). Would probably be the team's "Heart", if Kid weren't around
- Mitsabi "Bubblegum" Kiseko (Kyoto, Japan): Less emotionally stable than Kid. Fancies herself a detective. Based on the author's wife.
- Rebecca "Loser" Bradley (Rural Kansas, USA): Hammer's best friend, habitual brig occupant.
- Aborted Declaration of Love: Hammer considers telling Kid how she feels when choosing to stay behind on the Ellie Arroway, but decides it would be completely inappropriate.
- All There in the Manual:Angels2200 Handbook
- Amazon Brigade
- An Arm and a Leg: After Hammer is captured, the mother of a little boy who died on the Ellie Arroway tells her she's going to make Hammer suffer one day for every day he lived. They start by cutting off her hand.
- Art Evolution
- Artificial Limbs: Pronto, Toat
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Kid shows some of these traits in the early strips.
- Author Appeal: The plague appears to have killed off not just the men but any woman who isn't thin and at least moderately attractive.
- Back From the Dead: Hammer.
- Big Damn Heroes: During the final battle, Whiskey attempts this, only to have it go horribly wrong.
- Bottle Fairy: Whiskey
- Break the Haughty: Whiskey tries this on Quetz.
- British Stuffiness: Greykat
- Cannot Spit It Out: Hammer in regards to her feelings for Kid.
- The Captain: Robin
- Casanova: Whiskey
- Censor Steam: plenty of shower sequences.
- Child Soldiers: Used by the colonials.
- Code Name: All of the icebreakers receive ironic, sarcastic, or sardonic call signs. It does not help them bond as a team.
- Conspicuous CG: For the space scenes.
- Cosplay Otaku Girl: Bubblegum who's a huge fan of detective stories.
- Curse Cut Short: Quite often when the F Bomb is about to be dropped, particularly in one Shout-Out to Die Hard.
- Disappeared Dad: Most of the cast's fathers are dead. Whiskey claims her father somehow survived and then abandoned his family, but circumstances imply it may have been an act.
- Dropped A Bridge On Her: Most of Corona Squad except Scimitar, perishes almost instantly as a result of debris when the Outcast is hit by a Wave Motion Gun. Loser is accidentally killed by Whiskey.
- Drunken Song: A specialty of Whiskey.
- Dysfunction Junction
- Eyepatch of Power: Pronto
- Face Heel Turn: Bubblegum
- Fanservice: Lampshaded in an early comic. Franchesca runs into a briefing with her uniform... undone in particular areas. One of the crew quips about a sudden desire for cheesecake.
- Fiery Redhead: Whiskey
- Five Woman Band
- The Hero: Hammer
- The Lancer: Whiskey
- The Smart Girl: Bubblegum
- The Big Girl: Loser
- The Chick: Kid
- The Sixth Ranger: Quetz
- Food Fight: Followed by a Hurricane of Puns
- Funetik Aksent: Kid. She even writes letters this way!
- The Future
- Gendercide: The genetic plague kills 99% of Earth's men.
- Gender Rarity Value: The Colonials appear to be type 1 society, the Terrans appear to be a type 2
- Genius Ditz: Kid with piloting.
- Genre Savvy: Robin and the rebel leader.
- Ghost Ship: The Ellie Arroway
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Whiskey and Smiley are known to feel this way.
- Girls Love
- Good Angel, Bad Angel
- Good-Looking Privates
- Gratuitous French: Kid
- Grey and Gray Morality: Neither the Terrans' nor the Colonials' cause is portrayed as more justified, and both sides perform questionable actions to further the war effort. The pilots are more concerned about staying alive and protecting their friends than whether their mission is right or wrong.
- Hair of Gold: Kid
- Hit You So Hard Your X Will Feel It: Whiskey to Kid's younger sister, after she insists on coming with them to rescue Hammer.
- Hope Spot: After helping her squadmates escape the Ellie Arroway, Hammer tries to escape, too, but learns that the enemy sabotaged the ships the Icebreakers used in order to get in.
- Fundamentally Female Cast
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: Kid
- Intoxication Ensues: When Kid gets sedated in the medical wing.
- Ironic Echo: Quetz tells Kid "Cheerleading tryouts are down the hall" when she oversleeps and rushes into her first meeting late. This is later repeated on Quetz herself after she takes over as squad leader after Whiskey tampers with her alarm.
- Kissing Under the Influence: Loser and Whiskey.
- Klingon Promotion: How Quetz takes over the Icebreakers.
- Lingerie Scene
- Modern Major-General: Bubblegum is the worst pilot on the Icebreakers, but is reasonably talented in other fields, like investigation.
- Moral Myopia: The Ellie Arroway torturing Hammer for the death of of a child, even though it looked they were bringing him along on a suicide mission. Subverted when we find out that the Ellie Arroway was intending to broadcast a pirate signal exposing Earth's Goverment's role in creating and spreading The Plague, then surrender or run for it.
- Multinational Team: Most of the squads.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Whiskey, after Loser's death at her hands.
- Naive Newcomer: Kid
- (Code)Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Quetz is short for Quetzecoatal, which is a fair summation of her personality.
- The Neidermeyer: Quetz when she takes leadership of the squad.
- New Meat: Everyone in the Icebreaker Squad.
- No One Gets Left Behind
- Old School Dogfighting
- One-Gender Race: Humanity itself.
- Not so. The numbers involved are very uneven, but there are still men around.
- Our Wormholes Are Different
- Pet the Dog: Quetz gets a few such moments, especially when adopting a ki664n.
- Platonic Prostitution
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits
- Sex Bot: Lance, but no one wants to use him.
- Shout-Out: Star Wars and Star Trek mainly but lots of others.
- The Ellie Arroway is named after the main character in Carl Sagan's Contact.
- Shower Scene: Lots!
- Situational Sexuality
- Smoking Is Cool: Hammer. Bubblegum tries to smoke but only manages to make herself sick.
- Space Opera
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork
- The Spartan Way: Fighter pilots aren't given much training before doing practice dogfights.
- Team Mom: Pronto
- Theme Naming: For the sexbots.
- "Three Laws"-Compliant
- Unequal Pairing: Kid and Hammer, the implications of which are explored on several occasions (notably when Hammer has to dress down Kid for hesitating in battle, which nearly costs Bubblegum her life).
- Vomit Discretion Shot
- The War of Earthly Aggression
- War Is Hell
- Wave Motion Gun
- Wearing a Flag on Your Head: Most of the helmet designs.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Whiskey gets one from Loser for going too far in seeking vengeance against Quetz, and another from Pronto for accidentally killing Loser
- Will Not Tell a Lie: Lance's programming prevents him from actively deceiving members of the crew.
- Will They or Won't They?: Kid/Hammer, again.
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair: Loser