Angel Beats!/Funny
- From the prequel manga, Hinata and Yurippe discusses on way to making the god come out. Her idea? kill every single NPC students. Normally it would have been rather disturbing, but it became funny when dumbstuck Hinata’s mouth starts to bleed. Maybe he was striken by aneursym out of pure stupidity.
- From the first episode.
- a minor one happens when Otonashi, despite Yuri's warning, goes to talk Angel. Cue the latter scratching her head in frustration.
Yuri: AAAAAHHHHH! I failed to recruit a new member!
- Noda killing Otonashi...hundred times. What makes the scene is that Mario 1-Up sounds that follows. Then he resurrects few minutes later, complaining that he missed his punchline.
- Otonashi looking around for adult and comes across the Principal's office. He touches the doorknobs and... cue the pendulum trap pummelling him out of the windows, killing him. Otonashi death count, 102.
- Noda follows the suit, getting cut off mid-sentence. The kicker? he's the one who designed the trap at the first place.
- Noda getting pummeled by a pendulum trap in episode 2, the moment punctuated by the first few words of the ending song only for it to be abruptly cut off once said pendulum smashes him into the wall.
- It is also something of a Humiliation Conga mixed with There Is No Kill Like Overkill, because let's see, getting hit by a hammer, hitting the wall, hammered once more, collapse on the floor, and buried by debris from the wall that he was smashed into. Yeah, Butt Monkey.
- A huge chunk of Episode 2, which actually manages to make Dwindling Party utterly hilarious.
- When the SSS comes across the Descending Ceiling, TK stops the supports it, telling them to go on in a heroic tone. Cue everyone casually moving on, saying things like "Ok, see ya!" "Thanks!" and after Otonashi, the only one who feels remotely sorry about the whole thing, gets out, TK collapses in a short "Blaarrgh."
- The party get dropped in a deep pit and have to form a human ladder to climb to safety. Yurippe tells Otonashi to just grab her anywhere he can so he can climb out. But when it's Hinata's turn....
(scene change)
Otonashi: Where's Hinata?
Yurippe: He was a noble sacrifice.
- After a good chunk of the party is killed on the trek to the Guild, Fujimaki says that Otonashi will be the next to go. One commerical break later, guess who's bobbing like a dead goldfish?
- Shiina falling over down the fall after trying to catch a (obviously toy) puppy.
Shiina: (falling to her death) How thoughtleeeessssss!!!
- In episode 4, after Hinata's several failures at trying to recruit his baseball team...
Yui: It's all right, for I, Yui-nyan will give you a hand!
Hinata: What did you just say?
Yui: Yui-nyan!
Hinata: (gets her in a reverse swastika) THAT'S WHAT I HATE ABOUT YOU!!!!
- Later that day, after they get to the field, Otonashi pitches the ball....then out of nowhere, Noda pops out strikes the ball...with his halbeldier, challenging him once again. Otonashi catches the ball back, throws it back, and it continues until the judge calls foul on both of them.
- In a near Tear Jerker aversion, Hinata, goes to catch the ball, the same way it happened in his past life. He wonders, "I would disappear if I catch this ball, right? But it would be the most wonderful feeling..." Otonashi runs toward him, because he doesn't want him to go yet...then Hinata gets tackled by Yui, who wants her revenge, putting him in reverse swastika.
- After the special opening theme, Yui lynched herself with the microphone cable.
- Rocket propulsion seats for a distraction when you can't pull one off anyone?
- Thrice. And with the show's ending, Brave Song, playing in the background.
- Hinata tries at distraction, Hinata fails at distraction, Hinata gets sent flying. Takamatsu tries at distraction, Takamatsu fails at distraction, Takamatsu gets sent flying. Ooyama tries at distraction, Ooyama fails at distraction, Hinata gets sent flying.
- "The truth clothes make me look skinnier!"
- "That's fabulous now sit down."
- Naoi hypnotizing Hinata into believing he's lower than a clothespin.
- Naoi doing it again to Hinata only with toilet paper this time. Hinata even spins like he is being flushed.
- Episode 8: Rehash of the Guild trek (1:19-3:46), which means yet another stream of gruesome deaths.
- Also Naoi hypnotizing Ooyama into performing a Heroic Sacrifice.
"Let me make you sm~ile--" *SPLORTCH*
- After a series of (temporary) Heroic Sacrifices, each followed by everyone else shouting their name melodramatically, Naoi sacrifices himself; one beat later...
Hinata: Hey, someone say something...
Yurippe: I don't know his name...
- Episode 11 has Hinata and Naoi trying to out Ho Yay each other to help Otonashi.
ChristTakeyama weaponizing Mouthful of Pi against Noda.- And this gem from Yuri right after:
"Yes. That's right. Our weakness is that we're all stupid."
"The leader really shouldn't be saying things like that..."
- The ENTIRE Special Episode. Picture every member of the Battlefront forced by Yuri to act like a Large Ham on pain of death. It truly must be seen to be believed.
- The shadows doesn't seems to have emotions or even consciousness, but that one that gets choped up bit by bit by Tenshi's Hand Sonic, seemed really shocked to this Troper