Ane Doki
Ane Doki is a three-volume manga written by Mizuki Kawashita, the author of Ichigo 100% and Hatsukoi Limited.
Thirteen-year-old Kouta is just an ordinary middle school student living an average life; lusting after the school idol, playing video games during his free time, and having a workaholic father. One day, his father announces that they'll transfer to Sapporo, leaving him alone while his father takes care of the papers for their move. On that day, he meets a young woman, a high school student, volunteering to take care of him.
The girl, Natsuki, then proceeds to live with Kouta, taking care of him while making things awkward with her eccentricities... So begins Kouta's new life with a girl four years older than he is.
- Accidental Kiss: Happens between Kouta and Chia in a restaurant.
- Book Ends: The manga begins and ends with Kouta meeting up with Natsuki.
- Boy Meets Girl
- Cut Short
- Dude, She's Like, in a Coma: When Kouta passes out from lack of sleep, Kanade gets mistaken for doing this.
- Indirect Kiss: Brought up by Kouta when Natsuki takes his popsicle and eats it.
Kouta: This means that this hot girl and I just shared and indirect kiss?
- Ms. Fanservice: Natsuki, oh so much.
- Missing Mom: Kouta's mom never figures into the story.
- Ordinary Middle School Student: Kouta.
- Panty Shot: On a regular basis, usually from Natsuki.
- Rescue Romance: Kanade falls for Kouta when he (and Natsuki) rescues her from the group of gangsters.
- School Idol: Kanade Sakurai.
- Big Bad: Natsuki's older sister, Haru.
- Jerkass:again, Haru. Not only she's trying to force Natsuki to get married with a rich old man so his money can help her company to keep successful,she goes as far as kidnapping Kouta to convince Natsuki to come back home.