Andrew Jackson Jihad

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    Andrew Jackson Jihad is an American folk punk band from Pheonix, Arizona. The band was formed in 2004 when its original drummer, Justin James White, approached Sean Bonnette and Ben Gallaty, who have remained the only two constant members of the band since.

    The band are noteworthy for their minimalist sound, controversial lyrics and use of irony. They have released three albums with Asian Man Records;

    • People Who Can Eat People Are The Luckiest People In The World (2007)
    • Can't Maintain (2009)
    • Knife Man (2011)

    Their first album, Candy Cigarettes and Cap Guns (2005) was self-produced.

    Andrew Jackson Jihad provides examples of the following tropes:

    The band provides examples of:

    • Those Two Guys: Sean and Ben, the only two constant members of the band.

    Their music provides examples of:

    • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: In "People II: The Reckoning"; "Child pornographers and cannibals, and politicians too."
    • Department of Redundancy Department: In "Rejoice"; "Your hair, it smells like burning hair."
    • Downer Ending: People Who Can Eat People Are The Luckiest People In The World seems to avert this with the highly idealistic "People".
      • However, the song's sequel, "People II: The Reckoning", which appears earlier in the album, is very cynical, so it may just be subverted.
    • Long Title: People Who Can Eat People Are The Luckiest People In The World
      • That album's eighth track, "A Song Dedicated To The Memory Of Stormy The Rabbit"
    • Mood Dissonance: Apparent in many, if not most of the band's songs.
    • Murderers Are Rapists: Averted with "Bad Bad Things"; the mother in the family offers her body to the killer in exchange for the life of her family but he continues without mercy.
    • One Word Title: "Rejoice" and "People".
    • Precision F-Strike: "Rejoice", "Brave as a Noun"
    • Rage Against the Reflection: The killer in "Bad Bad Things" loses his cool after he sees his own reflection in his victim's eyes.
      • "And I smashed those tiny mirrors inside of your skull!"
    • Religion Rant Song: "Rejoice" is Type 1, as is "Gift of the Magi 2," to an extent.
      • Fuck God, anyway! God is obsolete!
    • Serial Killer: The viewpoint character of "Bad Bad Things".
    • Sole Survivor: In "Bad Bad Things", the singer is addressing the only surviving member of a family he killed.
    • Title Drop: "Rejoice", "No More Tears", "Randy's House", "Personal Space Invader" and "People".
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