< And There Was Much Rejoicing
And There Was Much Rejoicing/Playing With
Basic Trope: Someone dies, and everyone, including the character's allies, reacts with happiness.
- Straight: Pike, a member in the Five-Man Band, gets killed by The Big Bad. Both the villains and the rest of the Five-Man Band see this as a joyous moment.
- Exaggerated: Both teams are so happy about Pike's death, that the heroes and villains decided to lighten up with each other and have a truce.
- Justified: Pike was a Jerkass who annoyed both the hero and villian teams.
- Inverted: Antagonist in Mourning
- Subverted: Pike was so annoying you would expect even his friends to rejoice; instead they realize for the first time how unappreciated he was.
- Double Subverted: ...but this is promptly forgotten when they remember all of Pike's bad decisions and decide they are better off without him.
- Parodied: Pike's funeral turns into a wild and raucous party.
- Deconstructed: The celebrations at his funeral reveal how utterly uncaring and evil Pike's "friends" were...
- Reconstructed: ...But later, it was revealed that Pike's Jerkass tendencies have crossed the Moral Event Horizon before he died, justifiying the group's joy.
- Zig Zagged: Some of the characters react happily, but others... not so much.
- Averted: Pike is a hated character, but his death goes unnoticed.
- Enforced: Pike was The Scrappy, so the heroes' positive reaction to his death showed that they hate him as much as the audience.
- Lampshaded: "Those heroes certainly seem happy about Pike's death."
- Invoked: "That bastard's dead! PARTY AT MY HOUSE!"
- Exploited: The villains knew that the heroes will celebrate Pike's death and will lower their guard during the festivities, so they plan a direct attack on the heroes' headquarters right after Pike's demise.
- Defied: While everyone was glad to see him go, Pike is nevertheless properly mourned and respectfully buried.
- Discussed: "You would think those heroes would be a little bit more sad about Pike..."
- Conversed: "Don't the writers know that someone dying is nothing to be happy about?"
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