And Shine Heaven Now
And Shine Heaven Now is a Hellsing fan web comic created by Erin Ptah, hosted on Comic Genesis. More humorous than its source material, Shine follows the Hellsing organization and others as they tackle problems such as parties, monster attacks, romance, pay checks, extremely aggravating fangirls, and those meddling kids.
This page also contains tropes from Erin's related comics, Sailor Hellsing and The Eagle of Hermes. Scroll down.
For some of the more convoluted theories about where all this is leading, check out the Wild Mass Guessing page.
The artist's latest comic, But I'm a Cat Person, is a completely separate story taking place in its own universe...but since the Shineverse already had its fair share of original characters, keep an eye out for some familiar faces.
Completed as of November 17th, 2011.
- Aborted Arc: Set was supposed to be the main villain in a storyline where the villains killed in the Hellsing animated series would supposedly escape from Hell. It was dumped after Word of God discontinued the animated series, and more than half the people that would appear in this pseudo-storyline ceased to exist.
- The 'lost storyline' was a plot conceived in the early days of Shine, back when it was still gag-a-day format and Pip had yet to arrive on the scene. It had been supplanted by another plot and never picked up again. Some plot elements from this would be revived during the 'Getting Sick of Fangirls' plot.
- During the rerun of Eagle of Hermes, Erin tells of a few plots that, for one reason or another, never got off the ground, suck as Reseda meeting Helena or the Sherlock Holmes-Pet Shop of Horrors crossover.
- Arms Dealer: Ann Warbucks. Inherited from her adopted father.
- Art Evolution: So very much. Any strip which summarizes earlier events reveals this.
- Ascended Extra: meta-example: Xuanwu of Strange Candy started out as one of Shine's many fans, then co-wrote the Shine or Die arc with Erin and has shown up several times since, including the Eurekon storyline and the What's Up, Doc? (not to be confused with What's up, Doc?) Sunday strips.
- In-story wise, Sir Shelby Penwood appears to be getting a bigger role than he did in the manga, seeing as how he's now Jackie and Rose Tyler's guardian angel.
- Ditto for Yumiko and Heinkel, who have gotten several long storylines fleshing out their characterization in ways their manga versions never did.
- Author Appeal: Hellsing and, say, Witch Hunter Robin have a lot thematically in common; but a lot of the series, from Marimite to Madeline, are just there because the author likes them, and made to fit in out of sheer willpower:
- Battle Royale With Cheese: Everything is leading toward Hellsing's big showdown, with a stack of crossovers thrown in
- Bleached Underpants: Aside from the established Hellsing examples, three characters came from some of Kohta Hirano's hentai works:
- Nina, who was an unnamed demon in Doc's Story.
- Pip Bernadotte, from Coyote, who was the prototype for the Hellsing version of Pip. In Shine, he's Pip's grandfather.
- Natalie, from Coyote as well. While she's seen chained up, that's the extent Shine goes to. She's revealed to be Pip's grandmother.
- Brick Joke: In the very first story line, Alucard and Walter already knew what a Fan Girl was, and explained them to Integra and Seras. Seven years later, we find out how they knew. They fought off fangirls during World War II
- Catgirl: Aside from the canon example of Schrodinger, fangirls turned Alucard into a catboy and Rip into a Catgirl
- Cerebus Syndrome: Arguably justified, as readers have known from the beginning that the gag storylines would lead to the dramatic plot of Hellsing eventually.
- To the point, Erin had told Millennium that the main plot would kick in once she knew the identity of the She.
- Chekhov's Skill: Integra's ability to consecrate liquid in the Good Books backstory, later seen as an integral (er, no pun intended) weapon in the Let There Be Guns storyline.
- Con Recap: Parodied in the Catholicon storyline, in which Enrico recounts a convention of religious fanatics.
- Also played straight with a strip or two each year after Otakon.
Cool PlaneIncredibly Awesome Plane
Soldier: A plane like this, it can call itself whatever it wants!
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Timothy
- Uh, Integra? Hello?
- Deadpan Snarker: The captain manages this despite being The Voiceless
- Deliberately Monochrome: Of the Limited Palette variety: The fangirl arc with Jeeves and Bertie in it were portrayed in this style, with only the red of vampire eyes showing...and then the fangirls.
Alucard: What is this thing, and why does it get to be in color?
- The flashback arc that introduced Jeeves and Bertie could be considered a Desaturation example, with more sepia tones than normal arcs, but still with color.
- Word of God is that both Jeeves-and-Wooster arcs have used the same palette. Ditto for the flashback involving Pip's grandparents, which takes place in the same era.
- The flashback arc that introduced Jeeves and Bertie could be considered a Desaturation example, with more sepia tones than normal arcs, but still with color.
- Deus Ex Machina: Alucard calls the Incredibly Awesome Plane this. Integra denies it is one.
- Also, this strip. Well played, Anderson, well played.
- Die for Our Ship: Meta-example: Xuanwu tried to convince Erin to kill off Mamoru in the Eurekon arc so Usagi could get together with Seiya. Erin didn't go for it.
- Unsettling Gender Reveal: Well, to be fair, Alucard is very convincing as Girlycard, and Bertie is not very bright...
- And also, technically, pulled this on Maggie.
- Distant Finale: The final storyline, like the final chapter of Hellsing, takes place years after the final battle, and expands upon the future hinted at in earlier Flash Forward storylines.
- Fanfic: In spite of being essentially fic itself, the series has spawned some of its own.
- Fan Nickname: iJeeves, for the Jeeves I-Jin
- Filk Song: The HellSing fillers
- Fire and Brimstone Hell
- Flash Step: iJeeves
- For Science!: "What's Up Doc?", a series of Sunday specials featuring Doc, Millennium's mad scientist
- Fourth Wall Mail Slot: The Doujinshi-Ka's Inbox segment, usually an Author Guest Spot, though other characters often chime in
- Freaky Friday Flip: for the entire Millennium cast, followed by just Schroedinger and the kidnapped succubus Nina.
- Fun with Acronyms: Marian Amethyst Raven Yumi Sappho Urania Elizabeth.
- Genre Savvy: The Major, being a fanboy of War (in the figurative and literal sense), gives a fandom term laden version of his famous 'I Love War' speech to subdue the fangirls.
- Good Adultery, Bad Adultery: Erin hinted in this picture that Arthur might have been the result of an affair between Mina and Abraham. If true, this would probably be seen as an example of 'good' adultery because...well, if we don't have Arthur, we don't have Integra.
- Good Angel, Bad Angel: Integra and Timothy. Partially subverted in that Integra's angel and devil appeared in full-size versions during the visit-to-Hell storyline.
- And now Enrico has Bad Angel and Delirium, who filled in for Enrico's good angel while he was lost in her domain. This, natually, is taking place when Enrico goes batshit insane with power.
- Guest Strip: Used as filler to keep up the update schedule, with the side effect that any Series Hiatus is limited by the number of strips the readership can be coerced to send in.
- Has Two Mommies: Turns out D just thinks Alucard is his father; he's actually Integra and Seras's child, and no, neither of them will say how.
HermaphroditeIntersex: Heinkel. A number of strips describe how Heinkel struggled to find a gender identity.- Heroic BSOD: Yumiko, after Heinkel releases her other nine personalities and as they sort themselves out
- I Have Your Wife: Walter. Millennium has his daughter, Maggie.
- Instrument of Murder: In a flashback arc, after Jeeves refused to teach Walter a complicated technique with their weapon of choice, monofilament, Walter nicks the piano wires from Bertie's piano to practice on his own, and later uses it to hold back a vampire while the others escaped.
- Insult Backfire:
- Later...
Jeeves: All of you are clad in the most garish, unappealing costumes ever to have been assembled from colors not found in nature.
Alucard: Hey!
- Jigsaw Puzzle Plot: Weaves together plot points from all the major series included, plus a bunch of original twists
- Lighter and Softer: Oh holy shit yes.
- Mega Crossover: Far too many crossovers and cameos to even begin mentioning. But let's try! There's Read or Die, Victorian Romance Emma, Madeline, Witch Hunter Robin, Marimite, Good Omens, and Revolutionary Girl Utena. And Cameo of other series, such as the Four Horsemen as well as a slightly older-looking Calvin, Susie and Candice in a recent strip. And in the current arc, Ace[1], Jackie and a young Rose Tyler have appeared. Also, one of the Doctors has appeared in an older storyline[2] with H.G. Wells.
- In a sentence: Shine crosses Hellsing with everything you'd expect and a few things you didn't.
- Mercy Kill: Walter and Girlycard killed a mortally wounded Jeeves rather than let him fall into the Nazis' hands (and Jeeves refused to be turned into a vampire.
- Later, Maggie does this to Walter after it's revealed there's no permanent way to break Millennium's brainwashing.
- Mind Rape: What the Jeeves I-Jin does to Walter to turn him evil.
- Most Common Card Game: The artist has difficulty drawing cool-looking fight scenes, so extended dramatic battles are often represented as games of Go Fish.
- Then when that got a bit old, it was exchanged for fish-slapping.
- Multiple Choice Past: Lampshaded in regards to Enrico telling how he met Integra.
"Yes, but the story changes every time he tells it."
- Myth Arc: Was held off until Hellsing ended so as not to get Jossed, but is now starting to develop
- Nice Hat: One fangirl absconded back to her world with Alucard's hat
- Only a Flesh Wound: subverted; in spite of her bravado, the character is significantly weakened, and easily knocked out in the next strip
- Original Character: the vampires Reseda and Marian, most notably, along with some supporting cast in Heaven and Hell
- How could you forget Timothy?
- Because he was either retconned into being Iscariot's future leader Father Maccabee or Erin planned that all along.
- How could you forget Timothy?
- Overly Long Name: Marian Amethyst Raven Yumi Sappho Urania Elizabeth, who oddly enough is not a Mary Sue
- Parody Sue: Marian, who thinks she has Sue-esque plot-bending powers... but really has nothing of the sort.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Alucard wore Hello Kitty pjs in the Lost Storyline.
- Remix Comic: Occurs occasionally as guest strips.
- Robinsonade
- Rousing Speech: If you thought the 'I Love War' speech was awesome before, you should see the fandom version.
- Running Gag: The three people that visit Enrico in the "Ghosts of Iscariot Past" storyline aren't technically ghosts. They all said they had some free time.
- Schedule Slip: Oddly enough, when this happens, it's usually because something is up with the host site. When Erin needs a break for schoolwork or her computer being on the fritz (again), she posts guest comics, and more recently a feature on Integra fansites.
- Which has been pointed out by Jon Stewart here.
- Serious Business: Jeeves holds Bertie's fashion faux pas on the same level as fangirls.
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: Seras is definitely not interested in Pip. Nope.
- Shipping: Not only do the many fangirls have couples they ship, but while clinging to a host they can enforce them
- Shown Their Work: And how! Ranges from footnotes under her comics to an entire comic dedicated to it.
- Sliding Scale of Fourth Wall Hardness: it can be broken for comedy value, as Integra explains
- So Beautiful It's a Curse: Seras on her figure; Pip insists that he can respect her as a person and enjoy her chest
- Split Personality: Yumiko and Yumie, and all nine others identified in the system, given much more backstory than in the original, where their splitting is just a plot device. May be a form of Author Appeal, given some of Erin's other fandoms.
- Squee: One can hear a fangirl coming a mile away because they do this. The best way to get fangirls to let go is to make them do this so much they faint from sheer joy. Examples:
- Year 1: having Alucard aim at Integra, making the fangirls rave about what the hell's going on and what the characters are thinking, all declaring "THIS IS SO COOL!"
- Year 2: Enrico pointing out that "A World Without Logos" can also be translated as "A World Without God", which is also relevant to Hellsing
- Year 4: Giving the fans autographs (and in the case of the Jackal fangirl, a bullet)
- Year 6: An epic battle between Alucard and Nina
- Year 7: The Genre Savvy Major giving a fanboy version of his infamous 'I Love War' Rousing Speech.
- Year 8: Jeeves insulting everyone's clothes. Apparently it was just so Jeeves everyone fangasmed.
- Sunday Strip: Sometimes plot-relevant, but generally used to present non-storyline features, including Q&As, parodies, filk, and one-shots
- Take That: Fangirls were what caused Twilight's version of vampires to sparkle in the first place.
- The Power of Love: Subverted.
Marian: It's not unlikely at all. You're an enemy of Integra. So there's no way you can beat me. Because I have the most powerful thing in the universe on my side-the power of true love!
iJeeves: Indeed. [slices Marian in to pieces] As a tactic, it leaves something to be desired.
- Time Travel
- Took a Level in Badass: Some of the more unconventional crossovers have the characters do this:
- Madeline, who's become a vampire hunter for the French branch of Iscariot
- Annie Warbucks, who inherited her adopted father's arms dealing business
- The Yellow Kid, along with Peppermint Patty and Marcie, who now work for Annie. Patty was even seen shooting at Allhambra.
- Translation Convention: Usually used, although averted when a character is speaking/thinking in French.
- Lampshaded here with "Translated from German with a heavy French accent".
- Tsundere: Seras.
- Tuckerization: The fangirl storylines, as well as the Catholicon storyline, take this to extremes.
- Van Helsing Hate Crimes: especially when Integra and Enrico are debating the subject of vampires.
- Webcomic Time: Everything before the time travel storyline (published in 2006, taking place in 1997) has been hit by Retcon, but after it things have started to advance. In 2008 the comic had made it into 1998, and Word of God states that Hellsing's main plot will take place in 1999 (comic time). It has also been lampshaded a few times by the characters, such as here
- Wham! Episode: Jeeves is working with Millennium.
- Then it turns out it's an i-Jin of Jeeves.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Timothy after becoming the Rose Bride
- Wild Mass Guessing: Shine explores some possible ones, and has given rise to other ones, notably the WMG that Schrodinger is an I-jin. He is in Shine canon.
- Yet Another Christmas Carol: The 2009 Christmas storyline, directed at Enrico Maxwell. Original character Lisa the Angel fills in as the Ghost of Iscariot Past, and Helios substitutes as the Ghost of Iscariot Present. Death substitutes as the Ghost of Iscariot Future.
In addition to Shine, Erin also has a Fusion Fic comic, Bishojo Kishi Sailor Hellsing, which replaces the characters of Sailor Moon with the cast and setting of Hellsing. A young Integra finds herself leading battle against vampires when her father dies, leaving her leadership of the Hellsing organization, while a talking eight-eyed dog called Alunacard gives her a crucifix pin that changes her into Sailor Hellsing. With the aid of Sailors Regenerator, Ghoul, Human, Vampire, along with the help of the mysterious Masked Vampire, Sailor Hellsing leads the Sailor Knights in the fight against the vampire menace while searching for the Master of Monster.
Sailor Hellsing contains examples of:
- All There in the Manual: Erin had only intended to do this for one arc. She had, however, drawn out concepts for other Hellsing characters as Sailor Knights for potential future arcs.
- Gender Bender: Anderson and Pip have both been changed into teenage girls for this comic
- Squick: When it's pointed out that Integra's pin used to belong to her father, Sailor Ghoul asks if he used to wear a sailor suit too. The others try hard not to think about this.
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Sailor Ghoul has the amazing ability to think, though sadly this does not change her status as The Ditz. Still, for a ghoul still having a functional mind is pretty amazing. For a ghoul.
In additional addition to that, Erin has a third comic on Deviant ART and rerunning on the main site, The Eagle of Hermes, a The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and Hellsing crossover set in present day Shine-verse, with flashbacks to the Millennium invasion in 1999. It's a story that asks one thing: What If Stephen Colbert was a vampire?
The Eagle of Hermes contains examples of:
- Broken Masquerade: Bobby's death alerted Iscariot to Stephen's vampireness.
- The Unmasqued World: On a larger scale, The Eagle of Hermes reveals that the general masquerade of vampires broke with the Millennium invasion, as it was too large scale to ever cover up.
- And finally, the sequel/side story had Stephen reveal he's a vampire to the audience of the Rally to Restore Sanity.
- Cassandra Truth: Stephen warned Jon that there were vampires. He didn't listen, and tried to go home.
- Church Militant: Iscariot, of course. Back in '99, Stephen served as one of their field agents.
- Combat Pragmatist: The head of Iscariot, Timothy, decided not to waste manpower on taking Stephen out because a) he's not a threat, b) he might be useful later, c) Hellsing already has a handle on him, and d) all Stephen wants to do is his show anyway.
- Cool Plane: The Incredibly Awesome Plane makes a comeback!
- Deliberately Monochrome: Also of the Limited Palette variety, the recurring color here is red (with an odd exception of this title page.)
- Did Not Do the Research: In-universe example:
Bobby: You've been a vampire for nine years and you never read Dracula?
- Everything's Better With Bobby
- Gangsta Style: Heinkel holds the pistol this way when changing targets from Stephen to Jon.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Jon and Stephen. With a healthy dose of Ho Yay, much as Stephen would like to deny it.
- Jerkass Woobie: Stephen, usually a bit of a stubborn ass, but has his Woobie-ish moments, particularly when he was found post-turning, and where his Morality Pet Jon is concerned.
- Memetic Badass: Integra is now an in-universe example.
- Morality Pet: Jon seems to be this for Stephen.
- Posthumous Character: Alas, poor Bobby...
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Stephen to Jon
- Shrouded in Myth: Seras, she's been seen a couple of times in public, but other than that the public knows little about her, and sees her as more of a symbol than a real person.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Sister Kim for Yumiko.
- ↑ Killing a vampire with so-totally-not-Nitro 9.
- ↑ The Sixth Doctor, if memory serves.