< And Another Thing
And Another Thing/YMMV
- Aborted Arc: So, what about Vann Harl and Infini-Dim Enterprises? Last we heard, they were still utterly in control of distributing the Guide, as there has been no word on whether Ford's attempt to drain the company of its assets by spending excessively from his company-issued credit card came to any success. At one point, Ford himself mentions that he's still working on that, but will the question ever be revisited? It's improbable...
- Crack Pairing: Trillian and Wowbagger.
- Funny Aneurysm Moment: There is a line in the book that references Ford Prefect puffing and panting after running a short distance, followed by the joke that "Writers are not used to that kind of exercise". Douglas Adams, the series' progenitor, died of a heart attack he sustained while working out.
- Only the Creator Does It Right: At least a significant portion of the Douglas Adams fans out there were not at all satisfied with this book.
- Rescued from the Scrappy Heap:
- Trillian, who came across as a very poor mother in Mostly Harmless thanks to her Married to the Job lifestyle is much more sympathetic here and spends a lot of the book dealing with her guilt over how she raised Random.
- Random herself, thanks to her Lotus Eater Machine experience of serving as Galactic President, trancends her original Emo Teen characterization and now has ambitions of opening Earth up to contact with the rest of the galaxy.
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks:
- "Frood" isn't an adjective! Zark is spelled with a lower-case z! Did this guy even read the first five books?
- Adams did use "froody" as an adjective at least once. Can't forget that.
- It's ruined FOREVAH!!
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