< An SMWC Production

An SMWC Production/YMMV

  • Breather Boss: In World 2, after going through some difficult levels, you're expecting a difficult castle (Grinder Castle) and a boss. However, the castle isn't too hard and the boss is extremely easy compared to the first one. Tutankoopa of World 6 can also be considered one as well.
  • Breather Level: Buzzy Bridge.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: The fact the levels are made by different SMW Central Users.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Banzai Bills here are a bit ... different.
    • The invincibility theme is "You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)".
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Multiple songs, both custom made and from other series such as Final Fantasy, Cave Story, Touhou, Donkey Kong Country, and much more. Some examples include
  • Ear Worm: The invincibility theme, a 16-bit remix of "You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)" by Dead or Alive.
  • Goddamned Bats: Besides the Swoopers (and a more annoyingly stronger form of them), you'll notice once you get to Bowser's Castle, Fire Chomps become these.
  • Mary Sue: Luigi is portrayed as being much more intelligent than the other main characters, figuring out Bowser's plot all on his own, and suffers from none of the cowardice that his canon self does. Meanwhile, Mario is shown to be very simple minded and cares about nothing other than satisfying Princess Peach's demands, and Peach is extremely selfish.
  • Nightmare Fuel
    • The Cave of Lost Pride.
    • The Cave Story half of Football Canyon. When you enter, you are told that bones lying around are a sign of something dangerous. Then when you step on the bones, a giant alligator comes out and tries to eat you.
  • Padding: A handful of levels have been considered to just go on and on with no end in sight.
  • That One Level: Loads of them, mainly early on.
    • EVERYTHING about Rupture in Reality.
    • Football Canyon--The cavern portion (about 2/3 of the entire level) carries a completely different theme from the first (Cave Story as opposed to a Chuck-heavy mountain), which comes with completely new enemies that attack very quick (and only very close to Mario), very picky jumps for a World 2 level and just overall drags on.
    • Treacherous Tower--The level itself isn't overly troublesome, but the boss at the end will definitely require a few tries to beat.
    • Unearthly Hollow--Most of the enemies camouflage. Level itself is a bit puzzling, but once you get past the Ghost House, you should be good.
    • Sinister Dungeon--The first part isn't hard at all, but without any warning in the second part, your controls randomly switch every few seconds. And while you are on conveyor belts as well! Better be careful not to fall into the lava.
    • Zephyr Manor--Besides the level being long and slippery, it also has a wind gimmick that makes the level more harder.
    • Rupture in Reality--Once you get to the final area, you better have to get your timing correct.
    • Dark Depths--Unless if you are playing this level on an emulator and you manage to turn Layer 2 off, you better watch out for the Torpedo Teds in the first area. The rest of the level isn't too bad.
    • This is what Raocow says about "Cave of Elements":
      • "This is freaking Super Mario Central Production THE LEVEL. It's very long, long claustrophobic caves with dangers all over the place, scarce powerups, you're fooling around with items a whole lot, ultimately trying to get only one item to the goal, and no mid-points, or at least very weirdly placed midpoints."
    • Some of the Void levels aren't difficult, but some are confusing and frustrating. Take the Grass, Cave, Desert, and Water Voids. The first one has random terrain that is actually apart of the background.[1] The next one requires you in one part to depend on invisible blocks and spikes that flash every few seconds to go through while fetching P-Switches throughout the level, which can be very annoying. The other one can be extremely confusing and the last one requires you to have certain powers (Like the Mushroom to Spin-Jump and the Fire Flower to destroy gray blocks) at certain times... while dodging Piranha Plants, Volcano Lotuses, and Sumo Bros. Yeah... good luck at that.
    • Oh, when you get to the secret space world, the first level is a Brambles level. Eh... not so bad just trying to dodge chainsaws, going through a vine maze, dodging Bullet Bills, and going through a bramble tower. Well after reaching the midpoint, it gets worse... there's a floating Muncher that tries to home into you. Not only does it hurt you, it tries to push you off already spiny edges. If you're not fast enough, expect a Game Over sooner or later at this point.

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  1. This was actually beyond the level designer's control--when the level was initially submitted, the graphics were correct and you could tell what you could and could not stand on.
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