< Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse/YMMV

Simon: You want us all to sit here while you drink yourself to death? This is not a popquiz anymore, this is an intervention. [...] We used to be close, what happened?
Amy: She's dead. Let it go, Simon.

  • GIFT: Some of the reactions to her death reek of this.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: "They tried to make me go to rehab; I said no, no, no". At first it was harsh due to her continued drug and alcohol problems after the song became a hit, then she died...
    • Also, every joke that has been made about her being an unkempt drug addict.
    • Some of her sadder not waking up unhappy with life songs turned to this for her fans after she died.
  • Never Live It Down: Back to Black was a highly acclaimed, multi-platinum album that launched her career into the stratosphere but, unfortunately, her addictions and other troubles overshadowed almost all of her success and talent.
  • No Such Thing as Bad Publicity: While not a bad album per se, Back To Black might not have sold so well if it weren't for her highly publicized drug addiction.
  • Painful Rhyme: Amy rhymes 'players', 'say' and 'millionaire' in "Fuck Me Pumps", with millionaire pronounced 'millio-naya' to fit:

You don't like players
That's what you say-a
But you really wouldn't mind a millionaire

  • Sequel Displacement: Won Best New Artist although she already had a best-selling album in Britain beforehand. Back to Black is her second album.
  • Tear Jerker: Her death, obviously. Seeing the reactions from her close friends (such as Lily Allen and Mark Ronson) on Twitter really makes it more gut-wrenching.
    • Russel Brand wrote a really thoughtful article about her, her issues and her affect on culture.
  • Yoko Oh No: In a rare male example, Blake Fielder-Civil got a lot of this during his off-again-on-again relationship with her.
  • The Woobie. She battled with depression, self harm, anorexia, bullimia and addictions to alcohol and drugs throughout much of her young life before sadly passing away at the age of only 27.
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