Amnesia: The Dark Descent/WMG

Daniel and Justine are in a game all along.

This is one way to prove if they can be redeemed.

The next game Daniel and Justine will face off against each other.

They'll have an amnesia-off. Justine will have used her resources to find out about Daniel's troubles, initially her interest was piqued by his letters, and ends up either capturing him and putting them both in one of her traps, or tries to find something similar to the orb, which Daniel delays by egging on her competitive side.

Daniel had the Amnesia Potion forced into him long before the start of the game.

This was so The Baron would have another torturer with him. What Daniel was before he had a potion forced into him? He was Jowee from Drawn to Life. His Heel Realization came when he started getting his memories back. Maybe sometime after the game, he got all his memories back (and his sanity with it). r

Daniel can't pick up the candles he lights because Alexander had his servants glue all of the candles to the table.

Why? I have no idea. But that would explain why Daniel can't pick them up when his lantern runs out of oil.

Daniel has telekinesis

The only time we ever see his hands are when he holds the lantern.

The plot of the game is loosely based on H.P. Lovecraft's The Case of Charles Dexter Ward

Oh, there's plenty enough of differences to avoid being a ripoff, but the amount of similarities is still strong. A young, aspiring occultist seeks council from an older mystic who is decidedly more amoral and not quite human, who manipulates the younger man to become an accomplice in acts he never thought himself capable of. A massive underground tunnel complex where undead people are tortured for information, as well as monstrous guards made from dead humans are also present. The visit to another necromancer who lives in an old European castle is also mentioned in the book, as well as the possibility to travel beyond the boundaries of this world and summoning inhuman forces from the same place.

The rose petals falling signify Daniel regaining his memory

Each time the player sees the rose petals in the game, something damning or incredibly important happens to Daniel. The first instance is the note Daniel writes to himself. The other instance comes much later in the game when the player has their second interactive flashback in game, where Daniel is performing a ritual and chanting his Madness Mantra.

Pre-amnesia Daniel never expected to make it to Alexander.

Daniel more or less became a Death Seeker after he learned the truth about his victims, but he either couldn't get up the nerve to kill himself, or felt that it wouldn't make up for his crimes. A compromise was the mind-wipe, which freed him from his feelings of guilt, and enabled him to go on the fool's errand of killing Alexander. Past Daniel fully expected Present Daniel to die horribly on his quest, as atonement for his crimes. Past Daniel must have thought that even death at the hands of Mr. Face or Mr. Tall would be preferably to living with the knowledge that he himself became a monster.

Alexander is Nergal.

Both of them are centuries-old bad guys, harvesting some kind of life-force through violent means. Their reasons for doing so are also similar (Blazing Sword spoilers in Nergal's case) : Alexander wants to reunite with his "love", and so does Nergal (though he has forgotten that). Going by this logic, Agrippa is the unlucky counterpart of Athos.

Justine should be worried about those prisoners escaping.

If you take the best ending of Justine as canon, since it is the 100% completed ending then Justine is probably screwed. There are three prisoners that she captured that are capable enough to free themselves from their shackles after you "save them". There's one door blocked by a beam preventing their escape. Do you really think they couldn't escape? There's plenty of food and water in the dungeons to keep them going (the potatoes). Two of the "monsters" aren't crazy and only want to kill Justine which is plenty of reason to help the prisoners escape. One problem would be dealing with Malo who is blind, slow, hungry, and slowly being suffocated by his torture device. I'm pretty sure the prisoners can take him. The other problem is Alois who still loves Justine, but it might be possible to convince him to help. There plenty of tools the prisoners can use to make a battering ram of sorts or to dislodge rocks next to the door to create their own exit. Plus, the servants might get suspicious when they hear six men screaming in the basement. The police could easily found out that three of the six missing men dated Justine even if they didn't have DNA or any of our modern technology today. There is already suspicion that Justine kidnapped Alois. The three prisoners are in the same neighborhood as the women who probably kidnapped her three lovers. It might make people suspicious that she procured chemicals that are meant to knock people out. I know there are stories of people in that time period that got away with murders, but I don't think many of them had such damning evidence against them. It doesn’t help that Alois and Malo are semi-famous as a racquet ball player and as musician respectively. Plus, many of those murderers moved constantly and, thus, were hard to track down. On top of all of it, she isn't a baron like Alexander, and thus she couldn't even give the excuse that the men screaming in her basement were supposed to be imprisoned. Yeah, I'm 75% sure that Justine is screwed and is going to be caught.

The Suitors aren't really talking, Justine is just hallucinating their voices.

Granted, it doesn't make much sense, but it would explain why their lips do not move while they talk, why they can talk while gasping for air, and also the weird warping sound effect surrounding their voices. Well, the first two can be explained away by programming, but given that the prisoners talk fairly normally, the latter is especially weird...

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