American Vampire/Characters
Pearl Jones
A young girl living in LA during the 1920s with dreams of stardom... until she's invited to the wrong party.
- Action Girl
- Battle Couple: With Henry
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Our Vampires Are Different: The american vampire has elongated finger-claws, rattlesnake fangs, and are powered by sunlight, only becoming vulnerable during the nights of the new moon and can only be killed by gold.
- Took a Level in Badass: Pearl after becoming a vampire
- Unstoppable Rage: Pearl. After the Hollywood Coven does bad things to her, her rage is only stopped when they're corpses
- Violently Protective Girlfriend: While Henry's usually able to handle himself, if he's in over his head, particularly against vampires, Pearl's right there and ready to rumble.
Skinner Sweet
A psychotic outlaw in the Wild West who runs afoul of the Pinkerton Detective Agency and a group of European vampires. Becomes the first American Vampire.
- Ax Crazy
- Back from the Dead: as of #23
- Buried Alive: For 20 years.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: If you ally with him... watch your back.
- Complete Monster Even before he became a vampire.
- Faux Affably Evil
- First of Its Kind: The first American Vampire
- Killed Off for Real: By Pearl...maybe.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Our Vampires Are Different: The american vampire has elongated finger-claws, rattlesnake fangs, and are powered by sunlight, only becoming vulnerable during the nights of the new moon and can only be killed by gold.
- Pet the Dog: Skinner saving Pearl's life may count (though it is possible he has ulterior motives or simply wanted to screw up the Hollywood Coven's plans.
- Skinner's interaction with Kitty at the ending of 'Strange Frontiers'.
- Slasher Smile
- Worthy Opponent: Skinner sees Jim Book as this, as seen in 'Strange Frontiers' when he murders and actor who is playing the part of Book in a Wild West show.
- You don't deserve to wear Jim Book's name! *tears off head*
- The Wild West
Henry Preston
A Marine who served in World War I before becoming a traveling musician who crosses paths with Pearl in Los Angeles and falls in love with her.
Hattie Hargrove
Pearl's best friend and roommate, also an aspiring actress.
James Book
A veteran of the Civil War, he becomes a detective in the Pinkerton Detective Agency and hunts down Skinner Sweet.
Felicia Book
Jim Book's daughter (born after his death). Is seeking vengeance on Skinner Sweet and becomes an agent of the Vassals of the Morning Star.
Cash Mc Cogan
The police chief of Las Vegas in 1935 who is drawn into a string of mysterious deaths that bring him into the world of vampires.
Linden Hobbes
A mysterious agent who is the leader of the Vassals of the Morning Star.
Travis Kidd
A young, rebellious vampire hunter in the 1950s who is... extremely talented at killing vampires.