One of the most popular comics on Smack Jeeves, Alternate is a comedy that follows an Insufferable Genius named Skye McGregor who is determined to be the BEST. His goal goes untarnished until he encounters Xin and Bailey, a happy-go-lucky pair of best friends who seize Skye's plans of academic success and promptly proceed to screw it up. Add in a cult-like newspaper club to the mix, and Hilarity Ensues.
The comic is by Nozmo and is three chapters and three years in-progress. Also see her other work, Todd Allison and The Petunia Violet.
Tropes used in Alternate include:
- Anime Hair: Jing is described as having it:
Xin: And his hair is supposed to stick up like a DBZ character!
- Angry Eyebrows: Bailey does this when she's trapped in the photography room with Camilo. It hurts her face.
- Asian Airhead: Xin, although it would be wise not to challenge him to a game of cards.
- Awesome McCoolname: Ruby Safire.
- Cargo Ship: Camillo and his violin. Insanely popular among the fanbase.
- Comic Within A Comic: Zombie Stabbers
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: When Bailey stops Xin and Skye from pummeling each other with a bag of cookies and a happy note.
- The Cutie: Bailey
- Emotionless Boy: Camilo
- Fan Boy and Fan Girl: Xin and Bailey, respectively, over the series Zombie Stabbers.
- Filler Strips: Mostly for any landmarking number of registered fans.
- Genre Savvy: Everyone, to some extent.
- Giving Someone the Pointer Finger
- Groin Attack: Midway in chapter 2.
- High School
- Inner Monologue: Lampshaded.
- Intelligence Equals Isolation: Subverted, namely because Skye chooses to be alone.
- Locked in a Room: The fate of Bailey and Camillo in chapter 3
- Lost Wedding Ring: Humorously subverted, seeing how there was no ring to begin with.
- Moe: Bailey, and to some extent, Moe.
- My God, What Have I Done?: A variant said by Xin in chapter 2.
- Only Sane Man: Skye
- Polar Opposite Twins: Paris and Francis.
- Power Trio: "Trio. Isn't it such a rad word?"
- The Quiet One: Victoria
- Say My Name: chapter three, amusingly paired with the Right Behind Me
- Serious Business: Skye and Xin's biology project.
- Even more so, the photography battle.
- Shout-Out: to various anime such as Lucky Star and Hell Girl.
- Slap Slap Kiss: Parodied in the souffle comic (between Andrew and Florida).
- This Is My Side: In chapter two, Skye uses a dissecting knife in biology class to claw a line through the table he and Xin share in order to illustrate this point.
- Title Drop: At the end of chapter one, in which Skye theorizes that he must be trapped in an Alternate Universe.
- Two-Teacher School: So far, only Mr. Kouklakis and a woman who might be the librarian have been shown.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
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