< All That

All That/YMMV

  • Ensemble Darkhorse - Kenan, Kel, and Amanda.
    • Lisa Foiles is really the only cast member during the Dork Age that is remembered. Mostly because she has made a name for herself in the nerd community.
      • Well, Jack DeSena does have some street cred for voicing a main character in a certain Nicktoon.
      • Also Jamie-Lynn Spears, but she got her own show. Being Britney Spears's sister doesn't hurt either.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: Amanda Bynes's role in "Ask Ashley" doesn't seem as funny anyone after the actress's nervous breakdown in early 2014.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The show was like a kid-friendly version of Saturday Night Live. Kenan Thompson is now a cast member on SNL.
  • It's Popular, Now It Sucks - The last 4 seasons of the show had wildly higher ratings than the previous 6 seasons (the late 90s still saw many households without cable; Y2K somehow made subscriptions, & thus Nick's viewership, increase dramatically), yet those who saw the entire run of the program by & large insist the first years were the best.
    • Mostly Justified in that most of the writing staff & all of the actors (including final remaining original cast member Josh Server) left that year. The new guys might've just not been up to snuff.
    • I think it's more a case of They Changed It, Now It Sucks for most fans of All That's Golden Era.
  • Nightmare Fuel - Lisa Foiles as Claudia, Josh Server as Tandy Spork, Jamie Spears as Zoe.
    • One cold opening had Lori Beth having a nightmare in which the other cast members ate the Big Ear of Corn.
  • Replacement Scrappy - The Vital Information segments got this when Lil JJ' was put in the seat. Lil JJ's excessive hamminess (in contrast to Lori Beth's deadpan delivery) really didn't help matters.
    • Many actually considered Danny to be this in regards to "Vital Information", with the focus shifting from the aforementioned deadpan barbs of the Lori Beth era to bizarre slapstick (once Lampshaded when it got really out of control).
    • Not to mention the Ryan Coleman who took over the Good Burger sketch.
    • The ENTIRE CAST during the relaunch definitely became this. YMMV if they deserved it.
      • Possibly Lampshaded in the very first episode of the relaunch, since Frankie Muniz is shown "auditioning" the new cast by picking them off the street.
  • Retroactive Recognition - You won't believe how many All That videos from Season 6 have the comment "OMG, it's Gabriel Iglesias!!!"
    • As seen above, Lisa Foiles has her own web series and features in a few others.
  • Seasonal Rot: The seasons during The Noughties.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks - The reaction to the new cast.
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