< All Quiet on the Western Front

All Quiet on the Western Front/YMMV

  • Downer Ending
  • Ho Yay: In the 1930 movie, in the scene where Paul is comforting Kemmerich after Kemmerich loses his leg, is very heartwarming, and also very shippy.
  • Narm: In the 1979 film, the scene in which Paul catches a random soldier from the other side and stabs him...and proceeds to watch him for ten straight minutes (in real time) while the man just lays there dying with a goofy expression on his face. Possibly a commentary on how it was a fellow human being that is being killed for a pointless war, but still absurdly executed nonetheless.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The horrors of the war are depicted in a brutally realistic fashion. The fact that this stuff actually happened should be enough to terrify anyone.
    • There's a brief scene where a hospitalized soldier attempts suicide by shoving a fork into his chest, around where his heart is. Since he hasn't got enough strength to drive it deep enough, he proceeds to take a boot and use it as an impromptu hammer. Fortunately, he is restrained before he can damage himself too badly.
  • Seinfeld Is Unfunny: The themes can look dated, because many other war novels and films repeated them.
  • Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped
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