Alienators: Evolution Continues
Alienators: Evolution Continues (aka Evolution: The Animated Series for British audiences) was an animated series that ran from 2001 to 2002, based on the 2001 movie Evolution. The story picks up after the events of the film, following the continuing adventures of Ira Kane, Harry Block, and Wayne Grey, and also introduces a fourth hero in the form of a Blue Beret soldier named Lt. Lucy Mai and a Team Pet named Gassie, as well as the Big Bad known as Scopes, leader of an army of Starfish Aliens called the Genus.
Tropes used in Alienators: Evolution Continues include:
- Aliens Speaking English: In one of the early episodes Ira listened to a recording of Scopes' roars and suddenly deduced that Scopes was in fact speaking in binary (or something). He then translated it into English to reveal some generic megalomaniacal threats. The next time Scopes appeared, he'd suddenly lost his inner mouth/ring of teeth and was suddenly speaking English.
- Animated Adaptation
- Big Bad: Scopes. Whenever it was destroyed, another Scopes would be generated and, as a side-effect of sharing the experiences and memories of their predecessors, it started becoming intelligent.
- Da Chief: General Woodman and Allison Reed.
- Flanderization: Harry, Wayne, and Allison, where Wayne is much younger, no longer a skirt chaser, is much more of a jock, and has his surname changed from "Grey" to "Green", and Allison is far less clumsy, while Harry isn't really any kind of The Big Guy in the movie.
- Retcon: At the end of the movie, Wayne was dubbed a honorary fireman by the governor, but in the three-part pilot episode "Survival," Wayne claims that he is still a "fireman in training."
- Les Collaborateurs: General Granger as part of his New World Order scheme teams us with the Genus. Scopes how ever planned to have him Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves.
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