Alice, Sweet Alice

If You Survive This Night... Nothing Will Scare You Again.

Alice, Sweet Alice (1977) is an American Psychological Horror Film that was first released as Communion in 1976, then as Alice, Sweet Alice in 1978, and as Holy Terror in 1981. It is noteworthy for being the feature film debut of Brooke Shields.

When a young girl named Karen is brutally murdered in the church where she was to receive her first Communion, the only suspect appears to be her older sister Alice, a strange and withdrawn girl who was jealous of the attention their mother gave Karen, and happily tormented her in retaliation. But could a 12-year-old girl be capable of such savagery? As more people die at the hands of a merciless killer, Alice seems more and more likely as a suspect, while her grieving father works to prove her innocence.

Tropes used in Alice, Sweet Alice include:
  • Ax Crazy: Mrs. Tredoni.
  • Billing Displacement: After Brooke Shields got famous, the movie was rereleased playing up her role despite her character dying within the first ten minutes.
  • Dirty Old Man: Alphonso attempts to molest Alice when she goes to give him the rent money.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Mrs. Tredoni killed Karen just because Karen's parents had Alice out of wedlock and still remained Catholic.
  • The End - or Is It?: The movie ends with Alice finding Mrs. Tredoni's knife and looking into the camera, indicating that, now proven innocent of murder, she'll become an actual murderer.
  • Enfant Terrible: Alice.
  • Fat Bastard: Alphonso.
  • Impromptu Tracheotomy
  • Knife Nut
  • Would Hurt a Child
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