< Albion


  • Anticlimax Boss:
    • You can't fight the final boss. All you need to do to "beat" it is to run away. Which will take you all of two turns. Yes, really.
    • Bradir is a joke. Besides being much faster than anyone else in the game, he goes down in one hit. He later points out that "As you may have noticed, I'm not a very good fighter."
  • Disappointing Last Level: Of all the islands, Nakiridani is probably the most entertaining, giving us a higly interactive environment, plenty of opportunities to learn about the people's culture, not to mention an original plot, and original setting. Later islands were much larger, had more generic settings, less interesting quests, and never really encouraged too much interaction with the people. By the time the player nears the end, the whole thing comes down to endless repetitive fights in Khamulon, and long, boring puzzles that do nothing beyond challenging the player's patience, in Umajo Kenta.
  • Game Breaker:
    • Sira can paralyze any single enemy in the game with her Thorn Snare spell, including the final boss, making boss battles ridiculously easy. Her Frost Avalanche spell does this to every enemy on the battlefield (except bosses), reducing most battles to tedious rounds of ice breaking. In addition, she's actually almost as strong as Drirr, is one of the best ranged attackers, and her "Fungification" spell is by far the strongest single-target attack spell, more than thrice as powerful as Lightning Strike. Its only disadvantage is that if it strikes the killing blow, the monster doesn't drop anything.
    • One of the late-game dungeons sports a trap that summons a horde of powerful demons to attack you. Normally, this is lethal to the party, but Mellthas' Demon Exodus spell, once properly leveled, can vaporize the entire horde in a single round. As the trap will faithfully conjure a demon horde every time you step on it, this process can be repeated indefinitely for massive experience.
    • Goddess' Wrath, once you power it to full. Can you say, "guaranteed instant death for all enemies"? Only downside is that it prevents you from looting their corpses, but you can only really use it for the final dungeon, so it doesn't really matter by that point.
  • Good Bad Bugs:
    • The Iskai healer in Jirinaar may randomly give you a healing potion as you end the conversation with her. The bug? You can do it as much as you want, making both a big reserve of free potions and a lot of money by selling more of them.
    • The infamous long reach bug will let you grab things that are just out of your reach, and you wouldn't be able to get them othervise. Picking up a fruit that paralyzes Man-Eating Plant]s? Snatching stuff from behind the counter and selling them back to the shopkeaper? Stealing a decent and expensive shield from a trainer, from across a stone wall? Sneaking into Kamulon without Khunag? Just right click as far as possible while moving towards them and you have it.
    • There is a way to collect infinite money in some versions of the game. If you have money on all characters, the game will take it from them proportionately in shops, even when the party members don't have enough for this to work. So if one of your character carries all the cash, but all others have a coin too, the game will effectively only take "Price of Item/Size of your party" from you. Resell and repeat the process enough times, and your party is swimming in gold.
  • Inferred Holocaust: The author of the blog mentioned in the Let's Play entry had this take on the ending.
  • Most Annoying Sound: The bleeps coming from the internal speaker almost every time a bug is encountered. It's even more annoying when the bug is fatal (the game crashes and all unsaved progress is lost).
  • Scrappy Level: The Khamulon. It is extremely long and full of repetitive encounters combined with empty rooms. It nearly drove the author of the aforementioned Let's Play mad.
    • Other players find that one of the best dungeons for its lenght, sense of danger (you cannot just escape from it and return later), complexity and some ingenious traps, and would rather point their finger at the caves... the engine is really bad at rendering "natural" dungeons and navigating them is very frustrating.
  • Special Effect Failure:
    • Some scripted events will use special animations (like characters trowing objects or firing weapons, or more commonly, explosions) which are actually animated screens, imposed over the main window. They cover up interface objects like the clock or the monster eye, and are not always aligned with the background. In the above mentioned cutscene with the fireball, Tom's entire front may disappear until the impact.
    • The storm demons are far worse at not looking like cardboard cutouts than most creatures. Also, they are the only demons that leave behind a corpse, even though it's not logical, being giant floating clouds with vague humanoid figures in them. Said corpse looks like their sprite was slightly twisted using photoshop, and remains stuck in midair, obscuring much of the battlefield. If you try to move any closer, good luck seeing anything other than a big gray circular canvas with a bad Munch imitation drawn over it.
  • Uncanny Valley: Intentionally invoked with NED. Most character portraits show a friendly smile or an aloof no-nonsense expression and will allways show at least some personality. NED's expression is completely blank, as if he's looking right through you.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Drirr has been mistaken as female occasionally. Given that he's an anthropomorphic cat-thing though...
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