< Alas, Poor Villain
Alas, Poor Villain/Playing With
Basic Trope: A hero mourns over a villain's death.
- Straight: Steve's enemy, Evil Bob, dies, which leads to tears from Steve.
- Exaggerated: Evil Bob does many unforgivable, terrifying things to our heroes. Yet Steve still crys like a baby when Evil Bob dies.
- Justified: Evil Bob was an Anti-Villain with a fleshed out motivation for his actions.
- Inverted: Antagonist in Mourning
- Subverted: Despite Evil Bob's tragic death scene, Steve still can't bring himself to shed tears after all the horrible things he's done.
- Double Subverted: Something tragic is revealed about his past and Steve breaks down after all.
- Parodied: See Played for Laughs.
- Deconstructed: Evil Bob orchestrated his own death with the intention of garnering sympathy from Steve and manipulating him into considering Evil Bob's intentions as justified.
- Reconstructed:
- Zig Zagged: Evil Bob dies, and Steve remain unemotional about it. However, he is later found crying in the privacy of his room. However, it turns out that he was merely mourning for his fallen comrades, and not Evil Bob. However, when Evil Bob's tragic past is revealed, Steve does genuinely break down.
- Averted: Evil Bob dies doing something dickish - nobody mourns him.
- Enforced: "Let's make Evil Bob's death sad, shall we?"
- Lampshaded: "Sheesh, you'd think the bad guys couldn't ever bring us to tears...guess we're wrong".
- Invoked: "True, I might've been a horrible person, but you'll feel sorry for me once I'm dead."
- Defied: "The bastard destroyed my life! No matter what Freudian Excuse he might have, I'm not going to mourn him!"
- Discussed:
- Conversed:
- Played for Laughs: Evil Bob is about to die, but can't until he thinks of something sufficiently tragic or sad to say.
- Played for Drama: Evil Bob dies tragically, causing the hero and, possibly, the audience to mourn.
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