< Aladdin (1992 Disney film)

Aladdin (1992 Disney film)/Heartwarming

Disney movie

  • After nearly getting himself killed for stealing bread, Aladdin hands the whole loaf -- probably all the food he would have had that day -- over to two orphans. They don't mean anything to him, they're just two more street rats, two out of dozens... and he hardly gives it a second thought. The look on the little girl's face is just so touching.
  • The magic carpet ride, one of the most romantic and magical falling-in-love montages ever. That it comes on the heels of Aladdin realizing that his faux charm isn't going to work on Jasmine and reverting back to his natural self makes it even more heartwarming, since the carpet ride is when he knowingly treats her to the one thing she's always wanted: freedom.

"No one to tell us no, or where to go, or say we're only dreaming..."

    • The cutest part? The fact that Jasmine's eyes are wide as she stares around at the world she's never seen before, but Aladdin hardly ever takes his eyes off her.
  • "I choose you, Aladdin." It's a perfect line of dialogue that brings both Jasmine and Aladdin's desires full circle: she gets the freedom to choose, he's loved for being himself, and there's nothing preventing them from being together. And then they bop heads. Awww!
  • Aladdin wishing Genie free, despite Genie saying that he's willing to stay in the lamp just so Jasmine and Aladdin can be together.
  • And how about when Genie gets ready to use the final wish to make Aladdin a prince, and is completely caught off-guard when Aladdin wishes for Genie's freedom?
  • After the Genie has been freed:

Genie: Oh does that feel good! I'm getting outta here! I'm off to see the world! I--
Aladdin: Genie... I'm really gonna miss you...
Genie: (tears up) Me too, Al. No matter what anybody says, you'll always be a prince to me.

  • Genie celebrating as he leaves to enjoy his freedom always gets me.

"Hey, rugman! Ciao! I'm history! No, I'm mythology! Oh, who cares what I am, I'm free!" (elated laughter as he flies into the distance)

Disney sequel movies

  • Genie has a tough to catch, but still heartwarming Call Back to "A Friend Like Me" during the "Father and Son" number from The King of Theives:

You got a whole new shoulder to cry on
Take a chance, now give it a spin!
You've had chums for pallin' around with,
But you've never had a friend like him!

  • In The King of Thieves, when Cassim throws the treasure he has been searching for all his life into the sea, recognising his son as the real treasure.
  • And when Aladdin tries to face off Sa'luk on the golden hand:

Aladdin: Don't worry, Dad, I can take him alone.
Cassim: (quietly) But you're not alone. Not anymore.

  • Also from "The King Of Thieves" after Aladdin and Jasmine have finally gotten married the crowd parts and standing at the back of the wedding pavilion stands Cassim. "Even a wanted man can risk a bit to see his own son's wedding."
  • You don't think about it much, but in The King Of Thieves, Genie is Aladdin's Best Man at a remarkably western wedding. That coveted job traditionally goes to the best, most trusted, deepest friend of the Groom. Awww...
    • Also, when Aladdin tells Genie about his Disappeared Dad and his own worries about married life...

Aladdin: What if I'm no good at it? Genie, if my father were here...
Genie: Al, if your father were here, he'd be just as proud of you as I am, little buddy.

  • Iago and Cassim's developing friendship during the course of the third movie -- true, they're both amoral scoundrels who initially bond simply over the prospect of getting rich beyond their wildest dreams, but they seem to genuinely like one another, and the ending, where Iago (who over the course of the TV series has been The Drag Along) willingly goes out with Cassim for more adventure, and Cassim welcomes him along, is genuinely touching.
  • The Book Ends ending, which is pretty touching on part of the development team; they remembered a one-shot character who only appeared for a few minutes in teh beginning of the first movie, giving the series some serious closure.

So it goes, short and sweet
They were wed down the street
May their marriage be truly blessed
Happy end to the tale
and tomorrow's a sale
So I'd better go home and rest
Here's a kiss and a hug
Sure you don't need this rug?
I assure you the price is right
Well, salaam worthy friend
Come back soon, that's the end
Till another Arabian Niiiiiight!

  • Another from King of Thieves, while Genie's Cod Red is hilariously over the top and Crazy Awesome incarnate; the only reason he's got all manner of weaponry pointed at the King of Thieves himself is for Aladdin and Jasmine's protection. When Aladdin tells him the King of Thieves is his father, he calls it off just as quick as he called it on.

Disney TV series

  • When Jasmine is tricked into using a magical lotion (by playing on her insecurities concerning her appearance and how much Aladdin loves her), she wakes up to find herself turning into a giant snake. Aladdin and the gang accompany her to find a cure, but when the fruit withers in her hand, she demands that they all return to Agrabah without her. Aladdin then uses the lotion on himself, turning himself into a snake, so that he can stay with her. Awww.
  • Eden makes friends with Dhandi, a homeless girl, even encouraging her to make better wishes. Dhandi's last wish is for them to be together forever. D'aww. Eden doesn't seem to mind terribly much. Unfortunately, it means Eden and Genie can't be together until Dhandi dies. Still, Genie seems willing to wait.
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