Akagami no Shirayukihime
Once upon a time, there was a girl with red hair. This hair color is so rare that it reaches the ears of the country's prince, and he takes her as his concubine. And so they lived Happily Ever After...
Just kidding.
A Shoujo manga loosely based on the tale of Snow White and serialized in LaLa DX, it follow's the story's heroine, Shirayuki, after she runs away from the prince of her country after being ordered to be his concubine. In the forest, she encounters a boy named Zen, along with his companions Mitsuhide and Kiki, with whom she becomes friends. The plot quickly branches out to include several more characters in its main cast, and many side characters also make reappearances.
"Akagami no Shirayukihime" literally translates to "The red-haired Snow White".
- Acquired Poison Immunity: Zen, showing us how tough he really can be, and then forgotten after the first chapter. And then resurfaces. And then is forgotten.
- Action Dress Rip: Shirayuki, on the boat, mixing in just a little bravado with all that Damsel in Distress role.
- Adorably Precocious Child: Ryuu. So very much so.
- Aloof Big Brother: Izana.
- Anguished Declaration of Love: Shirayuki's, most definitely. Poor girl was crying as she said: "Zen, I like you. You are very important to me. I respect you, and I want to be helpful to you... I, also know, that I'm in love with you." Also counts as a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming.
- Bishonen: This series takes this trope and runs with it - any male character who's around long enough will develop into this, if they aren't from the start. Special mention goes to Zen and Izana.
- And then there's Kazuki, who is referred to as this In-Universe.
- Beleaguered Assistant: Sakaki to Raji.
- Bodyguard Crush: Obi has been slowly developing one for Shirayuki.
- Butt Monkey: Poor Mitsuhide is always being picked on.
- And then there's Prince Raji, who absolutely no one takes seriously. Even the narration refers to him as "the stupid prince".
- Cool Big Sis: Shirayuki becomes something like this to Raji over the course of the Tanburn arc.
- Cool Old Guy: Shirayuki's father, the leader of the Lions of the Mountains.
- Deadpan Snarker: Kiki.
- Damsel in Distress: Shirayuki, almost always because of her hair. She isn't pleased, and often tries to do something about it on her own. Seems to have solidly fit this trope during the Tanburn arc.
- Expy: Kazuki's hairstyle, girlish features, and general personality are very reminiscent of Kagemiya Sen.
- Fairy Tale Motifs: It's a story based on "Snow White". Quite a few things should ring a bell here.
- First Episode Spoiler: That helpful guy Zen is actually royalty.
- Red Headed Heroine: Shirayuki, of course.
- Heroes Want Redheads: Discussed in-series. Shirayuki's red hair is apparently so rare and exotic that she hides it in public to avoid attracting attention; she's already had to fend off kidnappers intent on selling her to a harem.
- Important Haircut: In the first chapter, no less. Although it's not really important so much plot-wise as to define Shirayuki's character to the reader right off the bat.
- Intelligence Equals Isolation: People around the palace consider Ryuu creepy because of his high intelligence at a young age and his interest in poisonous plants, and tend to avoid him.
- The Medic: Shirayuki is fairly knowledgable about medicinal plants, and can competently provide medicinal treatment. She eventually becomes an apprentice pharmacist in Wistal Castle.
- No Social Skills: Ryuu has trouble communicating with others normally.
- Nice Guy: Zen, and most of Zen's True Companions.
- Official Couple: Zen and Shirayuki.
- Plucky Girl: Shirayuki, shading into Action Girl when the occasion calls for it.
- Rebel Prince: Zen, with shades of The Wise Prince.
- Servile Snarker: Sakaki.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Prince
- Spoiled Brat: Raji. He gets somewhat better.
- The Stoic: Kiki. Ryuu often falls into this as well.
- Sakaki, full stop. He can take all of Raji's antics in stride.
- Those Two Guys: The gatekeepers at the Clarines castle
- Twice Shy: Shirayuki and Zen.