Air Buddies

Air Buddies is a series of direct-to-DVD movies produced by Walt Disney Pictures. The series is a spin-off series to Disney’s Air Bud movie series.
The movies are about Air Bud’s five puppies: Budderball, B-Dawg, Buddha, Mudbud and Rosebud, who all go out together on a crazy adventure. Unlike the original Air Bud series, however, in this movie series, the animals talk.
As of today, these are the following films in the Air Buddies franchise:
- Air Buddies (2006)
- Snow Buddies (2008)
- Space Buddies (2009)
- Santa Buddies (2009)
- The Search For Santa Paws (2010)
- Spooky Buddies (2011)
- Treasure Buddies (2012)
The following tropes are common to many or all entries in the Air Buddies franchise.
For tropes specific to individual installments, visit their respective work pages.
For tropes specific to individual installments, visit their respective work pages.
- The Ace: Pretty much every guest dog in each movie.
- Adult Fear
- An Aesop
- Animal Talk
- Ascended Extra: Each Buddies movie has one guest dog joining the Buddies.
- Battle Couple: Buddy and Molly.
- Beware the Nice Ones: The Buddies sometimes get vicious when they fight.
- Big Eater: Budderball, obviously.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Sometimes Rosebud.
- Catch Phrase: Budderball's catchphrase is "Oh, sweet mama!" and B-Dawg has several catchphrases.
- Chase Scene
- Christmas Episode: Santa Buddies.
- Conspicuous CG: Most scenes that involve any of the animals, mostly since they can talk.
- Cool Old Guy: Deputy Sniffer.
- Covers Always Lie: On the Air Buddies posters, B-Dawg is seen wearing sunglasses. However, he does not wear them at all in the movies.
- Cute Bruiser: Rosebud.
- Demoted to Extra: Buddy, the star of Air Bud, was demoted to a smaller role in these movies. While he and Molly did have good-sized roles in Air Buddies and Snow Buddies, they are more AWOL in the other films.
- Did I Just Say That Out Loud?
- Did Not Do the Research: A meteor shower is what happens when debris enters and burns up in Earth's atmosphere and is not in fact a cluster of free-floating space rocks/meteoroids.
- Disney Dog Fight: A standard in these movies.
- Dog Stereotype
- Dogs Are Dumb: Deputy Sniffer is somewhat like this.
- Drives Like Crazy: Denning.
- Dumbass Has a Point: Obviously, Grim points some of these out in Air Buddies.
- Evil Brit: Spinkel, the main villain of Air Buddies.
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero - B-Dawg
- The Lancer - Mudbud
- The Smart Guy - Buddha
- The Big Guy - Budderball
- The Chick - Rosebud
- Sixth Ranger - Shasta, Spunick, Gravity, Puppy Paws, Tiny, Eddy and Pip (depending on the movie).
- Gasshole: Budderball has a habbit of passing gas every time someone pulls his paw.
- The Grinch: Stan Cruge from Santa Buddies and Ms. Stout from The Search for Santa Paws. Only Cruge gets better.
- Halloween Episode: Spooky Buddies.
- Homage / Mythology Gag:
- In Air Buddies, the five balls the Buddies are carrying in their mouths when they're left alone with the babysitter, are references to the five different sports Buddy played in the Air Bud movies. It also shows what sport each pup is interested in.
- In the first film, Buddy's picture in the newspaper is the one from the Air Bud movie poster.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: In Santa Buddies, Santa Paws' dog helpers fall into this category.
- I Don't Think That's Such a Good Idea: In Space Buddies when the Buddies and Sputnik debate over who should fix the rocket.
- Let Him Choose: At the end of the first movie, Budderball chose to live with Spinkel's kid.
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy: In some movies, Rosebud is wearing something pink in contrast to her brothers just to indicate where she is amongst the group.
- Punny Name: All five of the Buddies have a name that relates to their personality and is a pun on the word "Bud".
- Rich Bitch: Spinkel and his kid in Air Buddies.
- Scooby-Dooby Doors: Happens in Air Buddies.
- Shout-Out: In Air Buddies, when the Buddies are at the drive-in movie, One Hundred and One Dalmatians is playing.
- Spin Offspring: Air Bud is the father of the Buddies, whereas the Buddies are the stars of these movies.
- Those Two Bad Guys: Denning and Grim in Air Buddies.
- Totally Radical: Mostly from B-Dawg.
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