< Adam and the Couch Potatoes
Adam and the Couch Potatoes/YMMV
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: A fan posted on Adam's Facebook asking for the chords to 'Fishmas Day'. Rather than write it out, he made a video teaching her how to play it.
- When the fan posted that she told her band teacher about the song, Adam wondered if she and her school could do a collaboration with the band. As he explained, the Couch Potatoes are a community more than a band. Where most bands separate themselves from their audience, the Potatoes seek to collaborate with them. Thus, the request. THAT is pure Heartwarming.
- Crowning Music of Awesome
- Ear Worm: Every song.
- Periphery Demographic: Part of the band's appeal is that you don't have to be a kid to like it. Teens and parents do, too!
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