< Adam-12
- Anvilicious: It's a Jack Webb production.
- And, of course, the Mark VII Limited production logo.
- Ho Yay: Not so much between Reed and Malloy. But witness Malloy's Freak-Out on Tony in "I.A.D-Blackmail". It's half Et Tu, Brute?, half Was It All a Lie?.
- Malloy, the
confirmedhappy bachelor, has occasional dalliances with women but dislikes being pursued by them (though it may be down to thinking this is 'improper' or some such). - In the episode "Vice Versa", Malloy is jumpy and nervous when Reed does the driving. Maybe Freud Was Right?
- Well, there is the conversation in the middle of the ep: "Why don't you just relax and leave the driving to me?" "That's why I can't relax, you're doing the driving." Reed replies, "I haven't had any complaints from Jean." The Death Glare that follows is pretty epic.
- Malloy, the
- They Just Didn't Care: Due to glare issues, the windshield was removed from the car used for the many in-car scenes, causing the spring-loaded wiper arms to park against the dashboard. No attempt was made to disguise this.
- Unfortunate Implications: Sometimes come across straight, sometimes as subverted and blithely humorous, as in this exchange:
Malloy: What do you do?
Ruth: I work for a firm that sells digital computers. I'm a computer programmer.
Malloy: *looks her over* Could have fooled me.
Ruth: Thank you. And you don't look like a cop, either.
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