Ace Combat: The Equestrian War/Tear Jerker

  • In chapter 4, Derpy sees her daughter being abducted by the griffins, but still tries to save her, despite being wounded. She fails and breaks down into tears. By the end of the chapter she manages to rescue Dinky though, with the help of Mirage squadron.
  • Firefly's backstory in chapter 8. When she returns home to find it engulfed in flames, she learns that her parents were killed by Black Star (who openly admits that he killed them). She tried to fight him, but was effortlessly pummeled. As he was leaving the battered and beaten pony, expressing hope to meet her again, she bursts into tears, not only mourning her parents, but also lamenting over her dreams of becoming a member of the Wonderbolts being crushed all because of this one encounter. You can't help, but feel sympathy for her.
    • Her pain experienced upon meeting him again after five years in the previous chapter can be leaned on, too.
  • When Fluttershy (unintentionally) kills Razor during the mission to destroy the Burning Talon in chapter 10. After it's destroyed, she stares in disbelief at the burning ruins of the superweapon, mumbling: “What.... what... wh-what have I done? What have I done...?“ Upon returning to Canterlot with the others, she retreats into Mission Control, where she crys alone. After Rainbow Dash tries to talk to her, she repeatedly blames herself for killing a sentient being.
    • Doubles as Crowning Moment of Heartwarming when Rainbow and the rest of the Mirage squadron is trying to comfort Fluttershy. Bonus points for Cloud Kicker thanking Fluttershy for saving her life, which was the reason Fluttershy fought Razor in the first place. Then, Rainbow asks her is she wants a hug... and out of pure emotion, Fluttershy embraces Rainbow and cries her eyes out, saying with a choking voice: I’m sorry! Please, forgive me!
  • The ending of chapter 11 is pretty heartwrenching.
    • Gilda returns and after unsuccessful attempt at convincing Rainbow Dash to join her, she breaks Medley's wings (and ealier on, subjects Rainbow Dash to a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown, as a "punishment", while the griffins that hold Dash laugh at the pony being powerless), openly betraying Dash, even though she trusted her. Medley bursts into tears due to excrutiating pain and fear she experienced, whilst Rainbow fights her own tears back, trying to calm her down. Finally, after Medley is taken to Canterlot Hospital, Rainbow curses her naivety and blames herself for endangering her friend, ignoring Fluttershy and Firefly's pleas to calm down. It culminates with a Skyward Scream and Rainbow experiencing a near-catatonic Heroic BSOD.
  • The first half of chapter 12 is even worse.
    • Rainbow drowns herself in despair while resting in the hospital, refuses to help others in defending Stalliongrad, continues to curse herself... Firefly bursts out of the room after the rest of the Mane Cast (sans Spike) visit her; Applejack's sadness upon being unable to help Rainbow as she helped her before is crushing. Just to drive the point home, when the ponies are leaving, Fluttershy practically begs Rainbow to get better and kisses her forehead saying they will be waiting for her. This cures Rainbow Dash from catatonia, but makes her break down into tears again . Outside, Firefly stands soaked wet in the rain as Lightning Bolt calls out to her for berating Rainbow. She suddenly yells at Lightning, telling her she's wrong and she does care about Dash and her friends, but seeing her in such broken state reminded Firefly of her own painful past . Thankfully, things get better aftermath.
  • Chapter 15... Merciful Celestia, chapter 15! A massive Drama Bomb to begin with, but in order: the griffins have invaded Canterlot and seized the city, the castle being the only save place now. Many ponies are injured and some were killed during the raid. Tornado Swirl and Overdrive lost their entire squadrons, with Sea Spot having performed a Heroic Sacrifice to save Overdrive. The Stingray team was wiped out completely. Then, when Fluttershy asks about Blueberry's fate, there is a slight Hope Spot that she could have survived... but then Flare Star comes in and reports that Blueberry died a Cruel and Unusual Death, but fought bravely until the end. Moments later, it is revealed that, on their way from Trottingham, Flare Star's team was intercepted and she lost one of her wingmares... who happens to be Raindrops, one of Derpy's best friends. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! Carrot Top was recovered from the battlefield, mortally wounded. In a truly heartbreaking manner, she pleads Derpy to keep on living and survive the war... before she dies peacefully in Derpy's arms, smiling until the end. Derpy breaks down in despair, later bidding a touching farewell to Carrot Top before going to see Dinky... but that is just the first half of the chapter.
    • In-Universe, this situation is so depressing that even Cloud Kicker, established as being the most cheerful pegasus among the main heroines, lets her Water Works completely loose. Not only because she is saddened by ponies' death, but also because she fears her best friend may die as well.

Cloud Kicker: (sobbing) I-I-I’m scared, Lightning! Terrified! So much death... I feel s-s-so sa-ad... Nopony deserves t-that much suffering... What i-i-i-if... What if you die, too? I... I don’t think m-m-my heart could take i-it...

    • Shamrock telling Fluttershy about his Dead Little Sister. And because he witnessed Carrot Top's death, it only reminded him of Morning Glow. He additionally blames himself for not saving Carrot Top. Having a chance, he instead went to help the pegasi. Fluttershy manages to snap him out of it, but still...

Shamrock: I’m no angel... just a weak pegasus pretending to be one... I failed again.

    • Finally, Derpy having to tell Dinky about Carrot Top going into Big Sleep. Despite hearing that term, Dinky understands that she has passed away...

Dinky: Mommy... is auntie Carrot... dead?

    • At this point, Derpy, emotionally exhausted, shatters completely for a while.
    • The author himself confessed he suffered mild depression while writing this chapter.
  • Firefly going through a crisis in chapter 16. It turns out the reason she was sometimes cold and apathetic toward other ponies was due to losing her family. After Princesses Celestia and Luna make her realize that, they additionaly state that even though they can raise the sun and the moon, they are unable to revive the dead. Hearing this, Firefly sheds tears and cries.

Firefly: Mom... Dad... I miss you... I miss you so much...

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