
Accuser is a web animated series created by Stan Lee via Stan Lee Media. The protagonist is Dan Mason, a criminal defense attorney who became a vigilante after an explosion caused by a client of his got Dan's wife killed and crippled him. A mysterious character, known as the Stranger, provided him with a wheelchair that can be converted into a battle armor that can move his legs for him.

Tropes used in Accuser include:
  • Amoral Attorney: Dan Mason didn't care if his clients were guilty or not for as long as they paid his fees.
  • The Atoner: Dan Mason/Accuser became a vigilante to redeem himself for getting criminals back into the streets.
  • Because I'm Good At It: When interviewed by a reporter who described his recently acquitted client as a "racketeer and reputed killer", Dan Mason claimed he did his job and was "proud of it". His wife even complained he was "too good".
  • Death by Origin Story: Lucia Mason, Dan's wife, whose death was the reason her husband became The Atoner.
  • Faking the Dead: Charles Johnson Savitch, who secretly survived execution thanks to the experiments of Dr. Pirot.
  • How We Got Here: The first episode started with Dan Mason on a hospital bed and a mention of his wife's death. Then the viewers are treated to a flashback of the events that lead to this.
  • Scars Are Forever: While it's a smaller loss compared to becoming a widower, Dan Mason lost the ability to walk without the Accuser armor. Apparently, there's some hope he'll regain it but it has yet to be seen.
  • Shout-Out: Dan Mason has the same surname of Perry Mason, another defense attorney with a near-perfect winning streak. The difference is that, unlike Perry, Dan had no qualms about defending guilty people.
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