< A Goofy Movie

A Goofy Movie/YMMV

A Goofy Movie

  • Awesome Music: "I2I" and "Stand Out".
  • Crosses the Line Twice: At the end of "On the Open Road" a corpse not only joins in the song but gets up and dances on the roof of the hearse he's riding in. No one bats an eye.
  • Ear Worm: "I2I" to the max.
    • And "After Today", sung at the beginning of the movie when the school's student body is going to their last day before summer vacation starts.
  • He Really Can Act: Goofy displays a complete spectrum of emotion, vocal variety, and nuance, proving himself to be a competent lead in a feature film. He owes a lot of this to Bill Farmer, his then and current voice actor, who values real acting, even in a cartoon. This was after, in the original shorts and Goof Troop to an extent, Goofy was used mainly as comic relief sidekick who didn't have much development.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Goofy once refers to bigfoot as "Mr. Foot"
  • Memetic Mutation: The shot in the car with Goofy and Max, where Goofy has a disappointed/irritated look on his face, is somewhat memetic.
  • Needs More Love: Hell, yes, it does.
  • Tear Jerker: After Max walks out on the aforementioned Suck E. Cheese's, Goofy says he just wants them to spend time together as father and son. Max more or less says he wants nothing to do with his dad, ever again. You can just feel poor Goofy's heart breaking...
    • Much of the rest of the film contains them as well, but of the more positive variety.
    • Goofy's line to Max near the end hits a little too close to home.

Max: I'm NOT your little boy anymore, Dad! I've grown up! I've got my own life now!
Goofy: I know that! I just wanted to be part of it!
Goofy: You're my son, Max. No matter how big you get... you'll always be my son.

      • Max pounds the roof of the car on the word "not," eloquently conveying his frustration, and adding to the quality of the scene.
      • The hug between Max and Goof after Max saved his father from falling in the waterfall.
  • Weird Al Effect: Powerline, anyone?
    • Though Powerline was an amalgam of Michael, Bobby Brown, and Prince really. Hell, Prince wrote the song used in the concert at the end.
      • And both of Powerline's songs are sung by Tevin Campbell.
  • What Do You Mean It's for Kids?: Goofy goes over the waterfall. And it is DEFINITELY Played for Drama.
    • And it shows. When Goofy goes over, instead of his trademark Goofy Holler, he lets out a blood-curdling scream of terror.

An Extremely Goofy Movie

  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Beret Girl, especially in the Furry Fandom.
  • Even Better Sequel:
  • He Really Can Act: Already proven in the the first movie, but taken Up to Eleven here where both the vocal performance and the animation of Goofy's face and body language accurately and palpably convey the heartbreak he goes through when Max leaves for college, as well as the utter joy and contentment in his budding relationship with Sylvia.
  • Ho Yay/Foe Yay: Bradley towards Max, just a little. When they first meet, his greetings sound like come ons, and they decide that whoever loses will be the other guy's towel boy. It's...a little weird.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Bradley is just a Jerk Jock until he tries to kill his competitors when they get ahead of him, and even leaves his right-hand man to die so long as it means he wins.
  • Sequelitis: Also depends one who you ask
  • Tear Jerker: When Max leaves and Goofy is feeling lonely. Bumped up even more when you see the dead-end production line job he has. And then you realise that this single father has been doing this lousy job for three years (the previous movie had him as a child photographer) and still coming home cheerful and loving towards his son, and it's bumped Up to Eleven.
    • The worst part is when he walks around Max's now-empty room before sitting on the bed and hugging his son's old teddy bear, sobbing. Many parents will testify that yeah, it's exactly like that when you baby leaves the nest.
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