100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd
100 Deeds For Eddie McDowd was a show on Nickelodeon in the late '90s and early '00s. The title character was is bully, turned into a dog after messing with the wrong hobo, with the condition that he would only change back if he did 100 good deeds. Aside from the man who put the curse on Eddie, the only person that can hear the dog Eddie talk is Justin Taylor, the last kid that Eddie bullied as a human. Hilarity Ensues.
Sadly, it was canceled in the U.S. after just 40 episodes, long before Eddie could complete his task.
Tropes used in 100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd include:
- An Aesop: If Eddie ever completes his task, neither he nor Justin will remember that he was turned into a dog, but Eddie will still be a better person for it.
- Asian and Nerdy: Justin's best friend, Sariffa Chung.
- Baleful Polymorph: Drives the show's premise.
- Blackmail Is Such an Ugly Word:
Justin: I hate you!
Eddie: Justin, hate is a very strong word.
- Crappy Holidays: Eddie in human life (and dog life) did his best to ruin Christmas for everyone else.
- Cursed With Okay: Eddie eventually starts to like being a dog.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Eddie humiliates Justin by spilling paint on him and hanging him on a flagpole all because he accidently spilled milk on him.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The man who cursed Eddie is known only as "The Drifter" - a possible shoutout to Robert A. Heinlein's "All You Zombies", perhaps?
- Expy: The short lived 1980s show The 100 Lives Of Black Jack Savage.
- The Faceless: Eddie is this before becoming a dog, but the Christmas special briefly shows three other selves with faces.
- Fantastic Comedy: the fantasy premise
- Granola Girl: Sariffa Chung.
- How We Got Here: Halfway the pilot episode shows of how did Eddie become the way he is.
- Jerkass: The titular character himself.
- The Drifter, lesser extent.
- Literal Cliff Hanger: Eddie puts Justin on a flag pole as revenge for spilling milk on him.
- Long Bus Trip: Morgan Kibby, who becomes a foreign exchange student in London.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: What does Eddie get for crossing with the Drifter? He gets turned into a dog.
- Poor Communication Kills: In a two-part episode, the Taylors call the host family where Gwen is in the UK. Tori answers the phone and mistakes "Taylor" for "Tailor", who she was mad at for botching up an order so she threatens to send the other dress back in pieces - the Taylors assume they're talking about Gwen. Well, long story short, it drives one of the plots for the episode.
- Sassy Black Woman: Zig-zagged with Tori.
- Secret Keeper: Justin. The last episode has Tori.
- Long Run In Peru: Canceled in 2002 and never showed again in the U.S. Still running in some countries.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Eddie and Justin, type 2.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: The Drifter is trying to to teach Eddie to stop being a Jerkass (Eddie nearly crossed the Moral Event Horizon when they crossed paths), but does he really have to be a dick about it? It probably wasn't a good idea to erase his entire family off the face of the Earth (seriously).
- The Drifter also does this to other kids too; one episode has a dog who is undergoing a similar trial just like Eddie, and the only person who can hear her speak is the last person whose car she destroyed. (She "Pooled" them.) One can only imagine how many dogs are actually transformed teens.
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