07-Ghost Abridged
"Oh, look at the cute little Bishounen boy knocking on the glass. I wish I knew what he was saying."
With at least four episodes released and many "tag videos" (a Youtube phenomenon, in which you state in a video five random facts about yourself, and then tag five other Youtube users to do the same), 07-Ghost Abridged was created for Hbi2k's PassGAS contest. For more info, check out the Abridged Series Wiki here.
Credits for 07-Ghost Abridged featured here: Opening Theme: "Sakura Kiss"/Kawabe Chieko (episode 1 only), "Phenomenon"/Thousand Foot Krutch Script: CanadianJutsu, MidnightDevont. Editing: MidnightDevont Mixing Assistance: Semisoma1, Zeromaster Cast: CanadianJutsu, FullmetalChao, LadyAbhorsen, MidnightDevont, Scarlotte, Vivimage2000, WhipOfAlchemy.
- Actually Pretty Funny: Ayanami and his comebacks.
- Affectionate Parody: Poking fun at Berserk, Bleach, Ouran High School Host Club, Sailor Moon, and even The Godfather.
- All Your Powers Combined: The Seven Ghosts.
Sister Athena: (referring to Zehel) ...he's the Guardian of our church. He's also said to be one of the seven ghosts that represent the virtues of each continent on the planet.
Teito: So.......he's a sailor scout.
- Classic Villain: Ayanami.
- Evil Laugh: Oh, how we love you Aya-tan.
- Green Thumb: Labrador, except in a more vengeful sadistic way.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: I'm pretty sure that's the Abridged Itachi voice on Ayanami. Coolbeans to CanadianJutsu, of course.
- Ho Yay: Let's count the "gay undertones," shall we? (But even the counter loses count as soon as Mikage tries to sleep with Teito)
- Insufferable Genius: Castor AKA Priest of Wikipedia; he's also quite Genre Savvy.
- Naughty Nuns: Even Castor can't guarantee Teito's safety around them.
- Swiper, No Swiping: Frau actually says this to a Kor trying to devour Teito's soul.
Frau: Kor no swiping, Kor no swiping, Kor no swiping!
Kor: Aw man!
- Talking to Himself: Sort of expected, considering how the majority of voices are acted out by CanadianJutsu and MidnightDevont.
- The Napoleon: AKA Edward Elric Complex
Just to be fair, there is yet another 07-Ghost abridged series featured on Youtube (not counting another one mainly acting as a further abridging of 07-Ghost Abridged featured above, which is already abridged as it is). The one I'm mentioning is made solely by MidnightReverie91. It's only one episode long, opening with "Masquerade" by Caedmon's Call, and separated into three parts; Another episode was supposed to be released around April or May 2010 with a different opening. However, as of April 2016, it has yet to be made.