"A Poker Comic with Positive Expected Value." (Hint: +EV is the common abbreviation for "positive expected value".) About professional online poker player Corbin, his family, his poker buddies and several prominent poker players.
You can find it on Keenspot here.
Tropes used in +EV include:
- Anti-Poopsocking: Averted (yes), here.
- Beginner's Luck: Seems to be the explanation for the successes of, if not Scarlett, then at least for Harold and Clancy.
- Catch Phrase: Violet's "I think I want a divorce" qualifies to the point she lampshades it when Corbin calls her a "dink" in a text message.
- Cam Whore: OK, so Violet presents her bikini photos in her blog. See here.
- Child Prodigy: Scarlett, who's following in her father's footsteps.
- Dystopian Edict: But why are people punished by hanging just for *mentioning* poker??
- Everything's Better with Llamas: here.
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Princess Amazia.
- Cute Kitten: Dolly
- Fan Disservice: here. With Harold, of course.
- Fan Service: Sometimes, here with Violet.
- Fat Idiot: Harold. Oh God, Harold.
- The Fool: Harold and Clancy.
- Funny Foreigner: The Finn-lander Konsta.
- GIRL: Corbin knows this trope. See here.
- The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: How it begins...
- Godwin's Law: Kind of. See here.
- Goofy Print Underwear: here.
- Heroic BSOD: Scarlett declares that poker and Princess Amazia are her two favorite things, and she couldn't do without either. Then Amazia comes out against gambling.
- House Rules: Be careful to play against Konsta with his own deck.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Fortunately, just a dream.
- Jerkass: Corbin, occasionally.
- Katanas Are Just Better: here.
- Kevin Smith: Has a kind of cameo here.
- Konami Code: Referenced here.
- Las Vegas: Of course.
- Mouth Flaps: A peculiar aversion despite this being an animation trope: The characters' mouths are usually closed when they speak in this comic's particular style.
- Mushroom Samba: So, Harold owes the Goombas hundred dimes, and they'll kill him if he can't pay?
- Oktoberfest: here.
- Perpetual Poverty: Harold and Clancy win millions in poker, but shit it all away.
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy/Princesses Prefer Pink: Scarlett's computer.
- Primal Scene: Seems to have happened off-strip, since Scarlett knows about the game that only mommies and daddies can play. See here.
- Professional Gambler: Corbin, and several members of the supporting cast.
- Rickroll: Done in Real Life here. Yes, there is such a thing as a real life rickroll.
- Scary Black Man: Clancy knows about this trope, but doesn't really understand it.
- Shout-Out: To American Idol here, Heroes here, A Boy and His Blob here
- Snap Back: Harold wins a lot of money and loses it again, loses weight and gains it again... and so on.
- Soap Opera: Violet is a fan of One Life to Live.
- Speed Sex: Corbin can do it twice in five minutes!
- The Stoner: Harold and Clancy, apparently.
- Stylistic Suck: Corbin's comic.
- Take That: Is Gold Coast really that shitty? No idea.
- Theme Naming: Corbin's wife's name is Violet. Her first daughter is Scarlett, which is a shade of red. And violet is a mixture of red and blue. So it was logical to give their second daughter a name that's a shade of blue, and thus she was named... Ultramarine!
- Third Person Person: Konsta.
- Title Drop: Here.
- Toilet Humor: Especially if Harold is involved. See here.
- Wacky Cravings: here.
- The War on Terror: See how Phil Ivey helps to win it!
- Webcomic within a webcomic: "The Degenerate."
- A Worldwide Punomenon: Many Incredibly Lame Puns, usually poker-related. Big Blind, Pocket Pear...
- Writers Cannot Do Math: Play poker too long, and you'll forget how to count to twenty. Even if you were a mathematician before.
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