< "The Reason You Suck" Speech
"The Reason You Suck" Speech/Playing With
Basic Trope: A character gives another character a speech in which they delineates all of their flaws.
- Straight: Bob gives Alice a speech on why she is a failure.
- Exaggerated: Bob gives Alice a very, very long, detailed speech that carries on for hours and hours.
- Justified: Bob frequently speaks his mind bluntly and he just saw Alice doing something stupid.
- Inverted: Alice gives Bob a speech praising all of his virtues.
- Subverted: I Have Just One Thing to Say
- Double Subverted: Bob's speech starts off listing Alice's flaws, but then he starts praising her...before going right back to conclude that she's still a horrible person.
- Parodied: Bob gives a passive-agressive speech that involves lots of egregious things and Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking.
- Deconstructed: The speech causes Alice to snap and suffer an Heroic BSOD.
- Bob gives Alice a speech about her flaws which then angers Alice who then gives Bob a speech on his own similar flaws, telling him that he's no better and thus has no right or position to be so judgmental of her.
- Reconstructed: ...But, although shaken, she takes Bob's criticisms to heart and becomes a better person.
- Averted: Bob and Alice have an ordinary, non-judgmental conversation.
- Lampshaded: ???
- Defied: Shut UP, Hannibal
- Enforced: "The Moral Dissonance is getting out of hand. Find some way to chew Alice out for all the bad stuff she's done."
- Discussed: "Ow. Alice must feel bad about all that."
- Conversed: ???
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