Zakayo Cheruiyot

Zakayo Cheruiyot (born 1954) is a Kenyan politician.

Cheruiyot was educated at the University of Nairobi in Political Science. He was a District Officer in Central Province, then Deputy Provincial Commissioner for the Rift Valley Province from 1987. From 1997 to 2003, he was Permanent Secretary for Internal Security under President Daniel arap Moi. He was dismissed by the incoming Kibaki government. Re elected Member of the National Assembly of Kenya under new constitution for Kuresoi South constituency in Nakuru County new United Republican Party URP. Close ally of newly elected Deputy President William Ruto Samoei. Friends with Emmanuel Kiprono Chirchir Kiberton,A consultant in Kiberton Consulting & Projects Limited,Head of Business and Marketing-Article Designs,Nairobi. Once belonged to the Orange Democratic Movement and was elected to represent the Kuresoi Constituency in the National Assembly of Kenya since the 2007 Kenyan parliamentary election.[1]

He was re-elected a Member of the National Assembly of Kenya under the new constitution for Kuresoi South constituency in Nakuru County with the new United Republican Party (URP). He is a close ally of newly elected Deputy President William Ruto Samoei. He is friends with Emmanuel Kiprono Chirchir Kiberton, a consultant in Kiberton Consulting & Projects Limited, Head of Business and Marketing-Article Designs, Nairobi.

He is a Kipsigis by ethnicity.

Credible information indicates that Cheruiyot was involved in shielding Rwandan genocide suspect Félicien Kabuga from arrest and capture in the decade following the 1994 Rwandan genocide[2][3].


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