
Sardullapur-badhowan is a village in Hoshiarpur district in the Indian Punjab region. It lies on Hoshairpur–Chandigarh road at a distance of 29 km (35 minutes) from the city of Hoshiarpur. It comes under the Garhshankar tehsil. Mahilpur and Garhshankar are the nearby towns at a distance of 6 km (8 min) and 15 km (18 min) respectively.

The village population is mainly dominated by Jatt people having the Maan surname. The village has 368 houses and a total population of 1665, of which 39% belong to scheduled castes. The literacy rate is approximately 76%. The above data is in accordance with the 2011 census.

The village has a government elementary school and a nursing college named "Sai College of Nursing" in the village. The village's Gurudwara Sahib is named as "Guru Nanak Niwas".

The village residents celebrate "Hola Mohalla" with great devotion. A 24-hour "ਲੰਗਰ ਸੇਵਾ" is organised for the pilgrims going to and coming from "Anandpur Sahib".

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