Guy Savelli

Guy Savelli is a martial artist, teacher, and spiritual healer. He teaches the spiritual and mental aspects of martial arts, especially Kuntao.

Guy Savelli
BornUnited States
T'ai chi
Kun Tao
Goshin Jitsu Kyo Jujo

In 1983, Savelli was recruited by Col. Nick Rowe to train U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers in his techniques at Fort Bragg. Among Savelli's students were hand-to-hand combat instructors for the U.S. Army Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) program. Savelli was further engaged as a hand-to-hand combat instructor for Special Operations units in the early 2000s. His experiences are detailed in Ronson's 2004 book The Men Who Stare at Goats.[1]

Savelli has been a research subject at Duke University, the Psychical Research Institute, and the Mind Science Foundation in San Antonio, Texas. Positive results of his work have been published in Research in Parapsychology,[2] the Journal of Parapsychology,[3] as well as by the Parapsychology Department of JFK University. Savelli has also authored an introductory text on the Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Teachings of Chinese Kung-Fu.


  1. Ronson, Jon (2004), The Men Who Stare at Goats, Simon & Schuster; pg 61.
  2. 1985, Scarecrow Press
  3. 1986 and 1987

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