Dotila d'Urgell

Dotila d'Urgell, (? - la Seu d'Urgell, 781) was a Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church who held the title of bishop of Urgell, between the years 765 and 781.

Very little is known of his life though the chronicles tell us he was a leader in the towns resistance to the Muslim conquest of Spain.[1][2]

He died when the Moors took the city of Urgell.[3]


  1. Historia de los condes de Urgel, escrita por Diego Monfar y Sors, y publicada de real órden por Próspero de Bofarull y Mascaró.
  2. Duran, Toldrà, Eulàlia, Maria. Repertori de manuscrits catalans (1620-1714) (en català). Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 2006. Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 2006, p. 681 pàgines. ISBN 8472838900, 9788472838901.
  3. Jeroni Pujades (Barcelona, 1568 - Castelló d’Empuries, 1635), Pujadas en sa Chrònica, part 3, lib 7, cap 4.

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