I'm working on creating a species that favours small families for a number of reasons, and have no interest in 'breeding as much as possible'. As a consequence, their population size is small. But how small can a population be, without running (ever) into problems with genetic diversity? I'm interested in more than 'survivability'; the species' gene pool should not degenerate (some margin allowed). I'm looking for some well-founded answers or directions.
Assume that genetics for this species works similar to that of humans, and that their gene pool is of good quality at the start. You can also assume that they choose partners wisely, but there is no designation of partners, so margin is necessary. They have good health care and low child mortality rates. Assume that at least 90% of the population reaches at least fertile age.
Other 'rules':
- Average number of children born is two (might be increased to three if that is necessary to sustain the population)
- Species is monogamous
- No genetic manipulation
This question differs from the question What is the minimum human population necessary for a sustainable colony? because:
- It is assumed (for a population of 80 / 160) that the population will mingle with a larger population after ten generations
- The population of 350 still resulted in some genetic issues (of which some disastrous)
This question differs from the question How many humans do you need to maintain a population indefinitely? because of the given context that everyone in the group is the genetic parent of exactly two children each with a different partner which is violating above assumptions.
This question differs from the question Minimum Population For a High Tech Society? because it is not about genetic diversity, but the skills and intelligence needed to run a high tech society (which is possibly a follow-up question).
Some other questions touch this topic, but they are (slightly) different in either the assumptions or the direction of the question.
would this be of some use as a reference https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn1936-magic-number-for-space-pioneers-calculated/
– P Chapman – 2017-11-22T20:27:02.853That article assumes that the population comes into contact with a larger populations after ten generations or so. So not entirely what I'm looking for. – Century – 2017-11-22T20:51:03.117
1One of the key issues is how consciously managed the mating process is with regard to genetic diversity. You can maintain genetic diversity for a long time is you bar inbreeding sufficiently, but in a small population, especially, if everyone is not in synch timing-wise, this may mean that lots of people may end up mating with someone who isn't their first choice and you also have to manage early childhood exposure of children to other children in the community so that they don't end up seeing their genetically optimal mates as siblings (i.e. the Westermarck effect). – ohwilleke – 2017-11-23T03:02:52.887
'Creating a species' indicates it does not have to be human. A great portion of the answer depends on how many chromosomes,and how many genes? This would give an idea of the genetic complexity of the species in the first place. For example, a species with only one hair color, eye color, skin color, height range, etc. (that is, a very homogeneous species) would not require a large gene pool to maintain diversity as there is only limited diversity to begin with. In other words, every procreation would be inbreeding. – Justin Thyme – 2017-11-25T01:18:19.130
The issue then becomes one of maintaining a sufficient population to prevent deleterious degrading mutations from becoming established. That is, sufficient genetic material to maintain healthy genes. – Justin Thyme – 2017-11-25T01:19:45.013
Good points. The species is indeed not human, but to avoid unnecessary complexity I assumed that the genetics works similar. – Century – 2017-11-28T19:42:40.507