My first quest on this platform was, could the Kraken monster from “Evolve” (the game) feasibly exist, which I planned to follow up with the rest of the playable monsters.
The height of the Goliath is said to be 20 feet, but when old, can reach heights of up to 60 feet. It’s body is very muscular and is described as being a saurian (like a lizard)/humanoid beast with a incredibly thick hide. It’s head is round and well protected, and is connected to the rest of the body at the back of the neck instead of at the base of the skull.
The neck does seem to posses gills or gill like structures, however I don’t seem why it would need them. The Goliath is bipedal and stands on its hind legs while fighting, but runs at greater speeds when on all fours. The back of the creature is is covered in specifically placed spikes and barks, which for all tense and purposes, we’ll say that they grow with age. Also, when in its in old age, it’s body will glow in a lightly or slightly bright light red. Lastly, it has a tail that is also covered in barbs and spikes that angle to a point.
It’s abilities include leap smash, which results in it jumping up and slamming its fist into the ground, charge, in which the monster essentially runs on all fours in a straight line by trying to ram itself into said target, rock throw, which means that the Goliath grabs a boulder or a bunch of massive rocks and hurdles them towards the target, and lastly, fire breath, which the means that the Goliath breaths fire, much like a dragon would.
What conditions are needed for the Goliath to exist
Glowing eyes are very problematic - the creature would be permanently blinded. A light source is pretty much the exact opposite of what you want inside or near your eyes. – void_ptr – 2020-02-04T05:24:02.093
1@void_ptr: maybe it has tapetum lucidum, special reflective layer at the back of their eyeballs just like cats. – user6760 – 2020-02-04T05:52:38.417
@user6760 Cats' eyes don't glow. – void_ptr – 2020-02-04T05:53:39.213
@void_ptr: yes u'r right unless the eyeballs are infected by some kind of bioluminescence bacteria. – user6760 – 2020-02-04T05:56:29.367
@void_ptr their eyes don't glow but they reflect and it can certainly look like a glow at times
– VLAZ – 2020-02-04T07:59:20.650