Is an alien lifeform covering itself comfortably in flames as a defense mechanism to wane off predators possible? I've heard of microbes surviving the extreme condition of outer space in complete vacuum and receiving high dosage of radiation, and a community of crustaceans thriving in hostile environments like the hydrothermal vents which spews corrosive sulphuric acid and boiling waters everywhere and the list goes on.
I bet their girls would be HOT. – Maciej – 2017-07-28T09:13:19.707
Related: How could dragons be explained without magic?
– a CVn – 2015-03-30T09:19:50.687@Michael not firebreathing and not fire resistance but like a phoenix covered in flames. – user6760 – 2015-03-30T09:23:27.537
Ah, right; I misread your question initially. You may want to edit slightly (particularly the title) to clarify; remember that the title is very important for how people perceive the question. If we posit the ability of a creature to survive surrounded by flames however, you'd still need to come up with a way to start and maintain such an exothermic chemical reaction, so I still think the linked question is related. (Note that I wrote "related", not a duplicate, which it is not.) – a CVn – 2015-03-30T09:27:10.270
@MichaelKjörling not harm intended I'll that the title seems confusing, please amend it for me if you will because English is my tongue. – user6760 – 2015-03-30T09:50:31.200